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About Henrius

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  1. Site : http://www.l2-rain.com Forum: http://www.l2-rain.com/forum ===================================== - Servers Informations:. Rates: Exp x15,sp x15,adena x 22,drops x8. Hellbound!Custom NPC Trader With SS/BSS,Arrows. "easy going server",Geodata,Sieges,Friendly Community,Active Staff,99.9% UP time and much more... - Servers Hardware:. CPU: 1x Quad Core Xeon 3220-2.40 GHz (Core2Quad). Hard Drive: 150 GB SATA 10KRPM x2. Memory: 6 GB RAM. OS: Windows 2003 x64. Uplink: 100 Mbps Dedicated Connection. ===================================== One of the most Stable L2j hellbound server's. Rates : exp x15, sp x15,drops x 8, adena x22. Fresh,new & "easy going server" Geodata Pathnode Active Staff Custom Shop with SS/BSS, Arrows 99.9% uptime Friendly & English Speaking community Not bugs at all. Join us Today!
  2. Do you think a GM deleted your +16 weapon? Whats the point to do that? watch were you give your account infos.
  3. omg There is only A Grade NO SA weapons +16. That mean They just buy a grade weapons and Scrolls from shop and spam enchant. Also Adena is x500. SO ITS SO HARD?. omg you are not a Kid Sorry :<. you are a RETARD.
  4. Usualy i just /ignore emo crying kids like you but you Pissed me off. Do you think its to hard The enchant rate and no one can enchant a weapons to +10 or +16 ? If you think that u should play a l2J server x10kk With enchant safe 50k. And Im sure you are Like "fak man mi cant enchunt a WUPON +++ GM NUB FREE ITANZ".
  5. Well Im the New owner of Exodus. First of all Im Not BR. Well im not going to fuck the server up.No one Is going to take Free AIO's, Items etc.(there is alredy 2 Donated AIOs) If you Dont want play just dont do it.If you want You are always welcome. Thanks for your time.
  6. o.o Realy I Dont Know How Thats Possible.We use a 100% CLEAN system.Btw Thanks For Your Report. .New System Cooming UP.
  7. Site: http://l2lost.tk Well Its l2J server CT1. Opened Today! Rates: exp x500,sp x500,Adena x700 GM Shop(not just One Shop.Its like 1 NPC for armors One For Weapons etc) NPC Buffer(Prophtet Buffs,Chants,Songs,Dacnes,Cubics,Cat Baffs)Buffs Last 11 Hours 80 Buffs slots Lost Items(Armor,Weapons,Tattoo) Low lvl Protection Spawn PK Protection (3 Mins) Events From GM's Grant Bosse's GK Global GK Hero Coins Instant Healing Potions Dion-Gludio Sieges Every Week. Auto Restarts Every 6 Hours(1 min Down Time Per Restart) Active And Friendly Staff Tattoos Efects:Tattoo of Power: +12% P. Attack Tattoo of Fire: +15 Reflect Damage Tattoo of Resolve: +33 Speed Tattoo of Flame: +12% M. Attack Tattoo of Bravery: +25% Critical Tattoo of Blood: +40% Bleed Tattoo of Absolute: +15% HP Tattoo of Soul: +27% Attack Speed Tattoo of Avadon: +27% Casting Speed Tattoo of Doom: +113 P. Defense. Tattoo of Pledge: +40 P. Def, +7 Evasion. Tattoo of Divine: +80 Hold.,+80 Sleep, +80 Stun. PS: You Can Say "its a simple l2J Server.Why I Should Play Here?" Becouse GM's its not kid's.They Care For The Players. Also No ONE char get FREE or "Hacked Items". Gm's Country :RO,SE,NL,GR Server's Location: USA.
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