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About lout

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  1. You know too much for a romo. P.S your buffer looks goddamn ugly And b0ty +1 to you Sir lforward.
  2. WTS a necro 79 with sub Q done, added first sub. S weap 300. Selling the main acc with all belonging to it chars (pp with pof and others) and items. Using PM me offers.
  3. :(
  4. price updated
  5. up
  6. sellin adena on l2.ws 1 euro = 10kk Current ammount: 200kk verifyed PayPal or can use MM/Lain and you pay the service tax.
  7. used lain system, all went smooth +
  8. first time trading, all went smooth and fast
  9. are you joking man ?
  10. check ur pms
  11. Same way you can change subclass, targeting the NPC in DE guild from Collob's spot. Same way you can buy things from grocery store in Giran. But i dont thing this is geaodata bug ... it is just the range of the NPC. If outside the wall is in the NPC's range, you simply can speak with it. And to those who said "most servers have WH in the center" .... The custom servers have .. low rates "off wanna be" dont have.
  12. post to see. sry :(
  13. I tryed on Interlude server and dont work. It is not true that Turn indead is not considered as damage. This skill have few effects - fear, lethal and small damage (in pagan 50-80 dmg to mob, but damage). So once u make Turn undead, u got for example following messages": You use turn undead You hit for 78 damage. Your fear has failed. Lethal Strike! So u do damage and the exp is shared as it should be between the chars hitted the mob. I tryed with bishop 75+ and gladi 62+.
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