are you telling me its hard to find who is gay from these two men? if yes i really think you are all retarded!!! THE NIGGER IS THE GAY YOU HYPOCRITES! YOU JUST DONT WANT TO SAY IT...
nop. you said if you are I and i am You. so you used "I and You" as names meaning they should have been written with capital first letter. i didnt write them like that so i meant the words "i and you" not the names you gave us...
Intrepid i guess i said that the night i was drunk. but i shouldnt do it anyway...
you did not understand that i never EVER EVER EVER claimed im a girl. i just said i like some vocalists / wrestlers in appearance. this doesnt mean im a girl and im in love with them. i never claimed im a girl because i never wanted special treatment and i know most people here are male.
and of course i dont consider myself stupid though i can admit i dont know many things since im still young. but im really stable in my ideas...
you still insulted me without reason because i stopped posting racist comments... and you called me a racist provoking me to flame you.
though you still shouldnt care if im a racist or not since im not a racist against your race...
"every tried"? nice syntax... and you claim you know how to speak...
and i used "?" in my question:
i know what hypocrite means and i know all atheist antiracists are hypocrites...
you GTFO because you cant speak. you said "i was saying im a rasist.. dudeee...."... and i asked you if you are really a racist... of course you are not. you are just like all the other hypocrites antiracist atheists...