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Everything posted by costybuc

  1. WTS 50 donation coins on l2lion.com 30 euros. Pm here
  2. any1 know something like that ? , need something where all chars are required to be played ( no dual box alowed ) and no Npc buffer, but not that hard to farm on ... like no mucho grind , more fun :)
  3. another monemaker fail server made by bban.;) goodluck NOT Lets see if you open this server.Last server you wanted to open it was closed before Open beta :)RECORD
  4. get real.l2roam IS dead,also phx worked there...
  5. i have fore sale : Baium ring Ant queen ring 20 gold bars ur offer on pm here .
  6. same fiasco as insomnia waz , same as dex its.
  7. saw major clams joined forums , what u promiced to them saitx@ , beside a quality server , what i expect to be ur "official answer " ?
  8. seems like non "balanced" server > then urs . that why l2vendetta=interlude , l2dismay=god knows what chronicle :) Now vim go with ur 300 players ( 100 real ) and run tests more , instead of fixing major bugs. I never hurt a guy that its already down , but u deserve it .
  9. i see dead server New wipe vimz0r ?
  10. pls mode server more , u didnt had enough time to figure it out ... more mod pls . ps: ur server will die like a soap baloon .
  11. 700+ in 2-3 days , nice :)
  12. server born dead , same owner like l2mega and so many other server opened and no gm/owner online for months :D NO forum + insane donation , bb.
  13. wow some guy asked u smthing before and u answer with an event , like u do on server :)) instead of fixing bugs from buggs section , not somewhere else u pretend u dont see :D
  14. change protocol to 709.
  15. works on l2 forever ??
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