Opening 29/1
website:http://neutralzone.com.ar/home.php facebook:https://www.facebook.com/NeutralZoneL2 forum:http://foro.lineage2fz.com/index.php
Chronicle: High Five Part 5 Files: L2OFF PTS Extended Anti-Bot: SmartGuard Host Location: Canada DDOS Protection: PRO Internacional Conection: 1GBps. Auto-Pickup: On* Auto-Learn: Off Nevit: On Hunting Bonus: OffLike Player Start Items: OffLike Clients per PC: 2 Rates normal mobs. Exp: x3 SP: x3 Adena: x3 Drop: x3 progressive chance. Spoil: x3 progressive chance. Seal Stones: x3 Knight's Epaullete: x2 amount Rates Raid Boss/Epic Boss: Exp: x2 SP: x2 Adena: x2 Drop: x2 chance Quest System: Reward EXP: x2 Reward Adena: x2 Reward SP: x2 Reward Items: x1 Item Drop: x1 Item Drop Chance: x1 Custom: Quest: Get a Rune Clan Lvl 1, 2 and 3 free charge in Adena/SP Hellbound Open: Stage Cost of Fame: 50% Commands In-Game: .menu - Show features. .help - Show help. .expon - Active experience in your char. .expoff - Disable experiencie in your char. .lock - Block WH and inventory items. .unlock pw - Unblock WH and inventory items. .setlockpw pw - Set your password for .lock command. .offannounce msg - Set your announce for offline shop (interval 600s). Normal Events: All Raid Boss: Online on 1st day. Olympiads Start: 1st Feb 2016** 7 Signs Start: 1st Feb 2016 Castles Sieges Start: 13 Feb 2016 Territory War Start: 24 Feb 2016 (if there are 2 castles conquered in previous siege) Custom: * Auto-pickup: Only for Adena and Event Items. ** Olympiads: No Weapon in 1st month of heros. Item Broker: Like GF. (No weapons, no armors, no jewelry) Frintezza: Minimum Players: 27 - Maximum 45 (Original is: 36-45) Zaken Night: Minimum Players: 45 - Maximum 450 (Original is: 72-450) Respawn Raid Boss and Epic Boss: Baium: 5 Days +1 -1 hs Antharas: 8 Days +1 -1 hs Queen Ant: 20hs +1 -1 hs Valakas: 11 Days +1 -1 hs Normal Raid Boss: 16hs +1 -1hs