WTS adena/sets/weapons and etc on l2 saga x10. Fast and reliable transactions , payment via paypal, ADENA IN STOCK AROUND 10B. Items in stock : Vesper robe +6/4/7/7/8 lvl 4 atr
Vesper noble robe +8/6/7/8/8 lvl4-7 atr. Moirai heavy found set +6 lvl 4-7 atr. Vesper caster acumen +6 200 wind
Vesper thrower focus 300 holy(found)
Vepser shaper haste 300 holy Vesper slasher +6 300 holy Pvp def belt Necklace of freya. atri stones, Sa crystals , saga coins , festival coins, vote coins and etc.
Pm me at forum or skype stef_sb for more info. thanks