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About MrBrownPoop

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. wts eviscerator lvl 99 with dual class wynn spectral lvl 95/with premium/200kkish/ruby 3/emerald 3/up to date attendence check yul ghost sentinel 100 with dual wynn 95 weapon apo +4 300 2 SAs - fire lvl 4, fire-speed lvl 5/ ruby 3/emerald 3/up to date attendence check add me on skype stef_sb or forum for more info
  2. WTS Loads of adena/sets/chars on l2 dragon pm skype stef_sb for more info . thanks
  3. wts adena on the new x50 averia server a lot of adena in stock epics/weapons/sets etc chars and etc leave a post or a pm !
  4. close the topic please ! thanks
  5. everything sold , ty all
  6. WTS adena/sets/weapons and etc on l2 saga x10. Fast and reliable transactions , payment via paypal, ADENA IN STOCK AROUND 10B. Items in stock : Vesper robe +6/4/7/7/8 lvl 4 atr Vesper noble robe +8/6/7/8/8 lvl4-7 atr. Moirai heavy found set +6 lvl 4-7 atr. Vesper caster acumen +6 200 wind Vesper thrower focus 300 holy(found) Vepser shaper haste 300 holy Vesper slasher +6 300 holy Pvp def belt Necklace of freya. atri stones, Sa crystals , saga coins , festival coins, vote coins and etc. Pm me at forum or skype stef_sb for more info. thanks
  7. Wts full GEARED paladin on L2 tales - epics/belts/end game weapons/sets/skills/olf everything - pm skype mrbrownpoop also wts vesper noble heavy found lvl 7 atr some parts+6 vesper cutter +6 Focus 300 Foundation vesper bow +4 300 icarus hammer +4 rsk focus 300 Frintezza cloack Vorpal robe set +4 full vesper/vorpal jews tezza/freya necks adena/dp
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