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Everything posted by yolobaggings

  1. Greedings Dear friends and maxcheater users, i am writing this post in order to announce that i am selling my account on server Zaken official l2 infinity oddisey. I have a lvl 90 character yul trickster nobless as well with subclass destroyer lvl 75. My character has the items listed below: Twilight Leather Armor set +3/metal appearance skin Twilight Heavy armor set +3 Antharas Earring Queen Ant's ring Apocalypse slasher as well as a shadow shooter +4 from shadow box which is untradeable. I am willing to sell the whole account preferable otherwise send me a message with your offers for each item. But again i would like to give it all in once for the price of 200euros. You can also add me on skype pm me for more info. I am accepting only paypal or amazon gift card of 200euros if the whole account is bought. I havent traded again here but be sure i am totally trustworthy. if you want we can also trade item per item if there is any doubt about getting the stuff. Waiting for your feedback. (In order to understand the price set i can inform you that 1kk in sever zaken costs about 50euros. Now lets see the items prices. Antharas Earring = 1,5kkk(75euros) AQ ring= 500kk(25euros) Tw Leather+Appeareance=500kk(25euros) Tw heavy full=300kk(15euros) Apocalypse Slasher= 200kk(10euros) Shadowshooter =150kk(12,50euros) Total items worth = 3.15kkk(162,5euros)/ I give my character for 37,5 euros so total =200euros. Pm me for skype info!
  2. Hey its your boy i got to stop l2 so you know the drill , got stuff that i will upload for sale. peace !
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