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About Froozy

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  1. When im trying to start L2Server i get "Auth Socket Error" and the auth gives me an error, "Non registered world server...." here's some screens: Auth: Auth Server HERE. L2Server: L2Server HERE. i hope you can help me to solve this problem. Thanks.
  2. hello guys, i have problem with my interlude skills, Dash = 2 Minutes, Ultimate Defence = 12 Minutes !! WTF !? the Stun's is long either.. some help here please? i tryed to edit the skills on the XML's but its not helping..
  3. somewhy i have thad strange error and i cant solve it =\ http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5973/wtfou7.jpg and thad is just for now, ----------------------------------------------------- but 85% of the time i want to luanch my GS i have this problem and i cant luanch unless i do restart =\ screen: http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7185/wtf2ps4.jpg some help please???
  4. i know thad SQL script man =] is it used for PHP script too?
  5. Hello guys =] im new out'a here, came from RZ, want to try out the forum and join the community, what i need is a simple (i guess) PHP script thad on-click will send specific item to user's ID.. like hmmm like some cine of donator system, =] if someone can make thad for me ill be glad to hear it, cause my PHP coding it worst then 3-years kidd HeHe.
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