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  1. Today we start to make updates and good news for you! CHANGE ANTIBOT We added a new more efficient and updated antibot. The player who try to login to your character using any bot now it will take Ban 01 hours in the game. Antibot information: https://smart-guard.eu/en/ NEW CHARACTER CREATION: New characters start with a more attractive garb, soulshots gun in the grid and the mount pet has been fixed to disappear after 07 days. Players beginners start with 5kk adena. REMOVAL OF NPCs: After upgrading the Darion NPCs, GK Global and NPC Buffs were removed. To facilitate dynamic added Alt + B command as the image below. TELEPORT MENU: Added Teleport to Necropolis and Catacombs, but you must have registered with the Seven Signs before you can enter. NPCs OF SUBCLASS And ENCHANT SKILL: - Location "SERVICES" was changed to Fantasy Isle. FARM ZONES: - Respawn of farm zones were changed and reduced to two places in each region. Castle Info Added: - Now everyone can see who are the Lords and the information of the clans that have Castles. Added Bank and TvT / CTP to SHOP menu. BANK: - You can now exchange 1kkk adena for a Gold Bar This exchange is useful for that in the future you can add more adena without the worry of losing them because of the adena limit. SERVICE MENU: - Function available for PREMIUM. All characters PREMIUM will have bonus double XP, SP, spoil, adena, drop, seal stone for 7, 14 or 30 days. OFFLINE COMMAND: After assembling your shop you need only click on the item to enable the function offline. BUFFER MENU - Another change it was the buffer. You can use the buffs that were NPC anywhere extent it is not in attack mode. Added the Chant Of Magnus the buff list. CARRIER: Menu to change class of a character. OTHER COMMANDS ADDED: .help - informs all the commands available on the server. .time - tells the server time. .expon - enables xp character. .expoff - disable xp mode character .autopickupon - enables the auto pick-up, the drop falls right in inventory. .autopickupoff - disables the auto pick-up, returning to drop items on the ground. .delevel - Deleva a level of your character. .dispelall - removes all buffs of your character. TvT EVENT CHANGES Disable the ".tvt" command. Will be registered in TvT Event in Giran. corrections: - Respawn random. Added: - Invulnerability for a few seconds to return to the arena. - Respawn protection. Award event: TvT of 10h and 12h(GMT -3) - 75 gmedal TvT of 18h( GMT -3) - 05 Giant codex TvT of 22h (GMT -3) - 01 Giant codex mastery ADDED A NEW CTP EVENT. It will be registered in the NPC Manager at Goddard. Prize: 01 Event Medal, this item can not be passed by trade. NOTE: - Both Glittering Medal and the Medal Event will be made available on the NPC during 05 minutes after the event. After that time the NPC disappears and the player who did not get the item will lose it. CHANGES ACCESSORIES AND BOOKS IMPROVEDS LEVEL 81 AND 83 (GMEDALS SKILLS) We enable trade to accessories (ornaments) and Skills Improveds books level 81 and 83. Glittering medals: - All books purchased by Gmedal reduced to 250. CHANGE: - SKILL CANCEL OF MYSTIC MUSE CANCEL NOW WITH UP TO 3 Buffs CHANCES. - SKILL STEAL THE DIVINITY SOULHOUND DECREASED THEFT OF THE BUFFS QUANTITY FOR 04 AND REUSE OF SKILL INCREASE TO 60 SECONDS. OLYMPIADS - REMOVED The ARMORS LIMIT AND WEAPONS WITH ENCHANT UP +6. NOW ALL YOUR CHARACTERS MAY USE ABOVE EQUIPMENT +6. - REMOVED IP BLOCKING DUE TO THE OLYMPIAD. TVT and CTF - REMOVED The ARMOS LIMIT AND WEAPONS TO 6 AND RELEASED The JOIA USE BOSS. Increased rates below: Before: Rates: Exp: 50x / Sp: 50x / Adena: 100x / Spoil: 15x / Drop: 10x After: Rates: Exp 50x / 50x Sp / Adena 100x / Drop: 50x / Spoil: 60x ADDED TO SHOP ITEMS PURCHASE DYNASTY AND ICARUS. (ALT + B ). ADDED ALL BUFFS TO LIST, EXCEPT THE BUFF SUMMONS. Drop the items Farm Zone and quest Hellbound: - Festival Adena, High Festival Adena and Top Festival Adena increased the drop of all in the same proportion. - Increase the amount of drop of the Ancient Tome of the Demon. - Created new teleport to hellbound, but to get there it is still necessary to have the quest "Path of Hellbound" to enter. If you come without the quest your character return to Wasterland. CORRECTION: Fixed auto pick-up - drop items do not fall more on the floor.
  2. GREAT CLAN EVENT L2FORCEX! Visit: www.l2forcex.com - Gracia Final 50x PvP Thinking of bringing new friends to the server we are creating a new event called Great Clan Event L2ForceX! So, what are you waiting for? Invite your friends and bring your clan to our server! What are the benefits? Besides ensuring lots of fun with new players on the server, you, clan leader, will win a clan lvl 7, 8 or 9 Full Skills depending on the quantity of your clan members! Event Award: Clan lvl 7 - Achieve 10 members for your clan. Clan lvl 8 - Achieve 20 members for your clan. Clan lvl 9 - Achieve 30 members for your clan. All members will be analyzed one player per IP. Therefore no use to log multiple windows because we will observe the IP of you. Send us a message on Facebook, the website through the " CHAT ONLINE " or forum informing us the hour that your friends will be logged together! We will be there for rewards them! Sincerely Yours, Staff L2ForceX
  3. Download the patch is available.
  4. There will be no beta. Let's start in the final version! Visit our site www.l2forcex.com and make the registration of your account.
  5. We are completing the last forum settings, but you can create your account on the site ... And yes! The anti-bot system protects against bots, including adrenaline. :)
  6. Already available account registration on the site. Between now and make your registration! ;) http://www.l2forcex.com/home
  7. The Forum will be released tomorrow along with the site. www.l2forcex.com
  8. Let's do what we can so that the L2ForceX is a different server and fun! :D
  9. We are completing our site and forum ... There remain 09 days to the grand opening of L2ForceX Gracia Final server. ;)
  10. Will available this weekend. Visit our site www.l2forcex.com for more information. :)
  11. Yes, we have an excellent antibot. You will be welcome.
  12. Donation is one way to help keep the server by buying certain items such as mounts and Recipes. More will not sell enchant, armor and weapons.
  13. L2ForceX - Gracia Final Meet our server! Site: www.l2forcex.com Home: https://www.facebook.com/l2forcex Server Dedicated Specs: - Intel Core Xeon 3.7GHZ Secondary processor Intel Xen 3.7Ghz. - 32 GB RAM. - 3 x 300GB Fujitsu 15000 rpm SCSI HD. - Full Protection DDos/SynFlood and Others Game Specs: - Private Gracia Final Official server files "L2OFF". - No overpowerful donations. - Stable, no lag. - Rate 50X PvP - Quest Items Drop rates are x1. - RaidBoss 25x XP/SP, 15x Adena, 15x drop. - All Newbie Start Special Pet Lion 7 Days - Event: TvT and CTP - Farmzones Exclusives - Olympiad 30 days - Anti-bot/Anti-hack system. (SmartGuard Lineage 2 Protection) - Off-Line Trade. - Community Board (ALT + B (SHOP, BUFFER, CARRIER, SERVICE AND TELEPORT) - Maximum level of the basic class - 85 - Maximum level of the subclass - 83 - Time Buff: 2 h. - Time Dance: 2 h. - Time Song: 2 h. - Max Enchant: 20. - Safe Enchant: +3. - Augmentation/Herbs working. - Shadow weapons working. - Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah working. - Commercial (not public) Geodata. - GM Team Active Gracia Final Info: - Dynasty Armors, Dynasty Weapons And Icarus Weapons only Recipes - Vesper Items only Quest. - Up to Gracia Final Areas. - Up to Gracia Final Mobs. - Up to Gracia Final Raidboss. - Up to Gracia Final Skills. - Up to Gracia Final Weapons/Armors. - Up to Gracia Final Drops/Spoils. - Up to Gracia Final Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy. - Up to Gracia Final Castles and Clan halls. - All features from Gracia Final working.
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