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Posts posted by RagnaZero

  1. Because we didn't wanted toxic trashes to join this community, we never announced the Grand Opening of this server.

    The server will be officially live in 1 hour for those who are interested.


    The patch will be uploaded on the forums soon


    vmj5n.jpg                 f93aed7c4cc24d0dab0b19fc38958358.png

  2. Colv accomplished HGM position on the most successful custom server ever, not much huh? I honestly don't know if some1 is working behind him or if his skills as GM and his l2 knowledge are great, but I do know that he is the boss now and that he is extremely professional, that's why we care.


    I called your server a cash grab not because it had donations (every1 has) but because 50%+ of the features you promised weren't there ( and I'm not talking about the balance , cause even though I didn't like I admit that it's just my opinion). You promised us greatness but you delivered a rushed buggy server. However, like it or not, everything prelude had in its features was there from day 1( that's called professionalism, the reason we value colville)

  3. What a dumb.


    I am lucy





    I just proved it

    The thing is, he doesn't just say he is colv and shows photos. He talks with players on ventrilo. And from what I've seen from your posts your English is quite good so you will be able to recognise an Australian accent so go ahead and talk to him, along with every1 else here.


    But ofc this is not gonna happen cause you know he's the real deal and you just pretend.


    BUT if you really believe colv is dead or whatever and you go and speak to him I bet you are gonna say that Dev hired an Australian actor or smt like that so no point in doing it .

  4. I really couldn't help but to laugh at this when I was told what Aphelion posted with the ip stuff. Aphelion if you actually new my ip address which you clearly don't, so I don't actually know how you came about the IP's address being me LMAO once again. Also I really can't understand why you guy's keep talking about me but any way check this. 


    Here you I will help you find my IP address :


    As you can see here is my IP address from my fourms




    This next picture is where the actual IP is located Oo and the service provider + its a static IP & this was taken with my phone and look it says Optus which is my mobile provider in Australia. 





    Now I am sure you are going to say this is Photoshoped but seriously get over the fact that I am running a server and not the original owner of Wargate hence the reason I renamed it to start fresh. 


    If you like please ask the mods here to confirm my IP if you like as I have nothing to hide from, also I will chat with you on vent if you really like. 


    Cheers to my fans Colville


    PS: I have never seen my name mentioned so much since I opened this server thanks again



    A moment of silence for those that got owned

  5. balance is that a


    Summoner MUST have EQUAL chance VS Titan in a closed box or a big field. EVERYTHING has to be equal.


    To do that you have to add the missing stats from classes, for example SPS has low mAtk and high casting speed while SPH has low cast speed and high damage. The solution here is to give the missing matk to Sps and the missing casting speed to SPH UNTIL their stats are equal. Thats balance. Then you have the perfect server

    You are trolling right?

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