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About Charming

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  • Country
    Aland Islands

Charming's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. UPDATE SELL Dracon Leather Set +0
  2. UPDATE SELL imperial Heavy Set +0
  3. Only WebMoney / VISA / PayPal Skype contact, you can contact me by creating me private messages on the forum
  4. i have 200kkk for sell
  5. 1. 250kkk wts 2. hero chars + full chars ( All the details in Skype ) paypal webmoney qiwi mastercard visa neteller bank wire western union paysafe card P.S Color - Yes Color - No Skype contact, you can contact me by creating me private messages on the forum
  6. ADENA FOR SELL - 32kkk Chars : 1. Titan - 85 lvl Skill : Rage +28 Zealot +28 Polearm Mastery +25 Two-Handed Weapon Mastery +21 Wisdom +15 Health +15 Master Of Combat +15 3 sub class 1 - Gladiator 75 lvl 2 - Sws 75 lvl 3 - Phantom Summoner 75 lvl 2. PP - 84lvl 3. Mystic Muse - 85 + noobles 4. Spellhowler - 85 5. Bishop - 85 + noobles 6. Shilien Knight - 85 7. spellhowler - 85 8. mystic muse - 85 ONLY WEBMONEY \ QIWI \ VISA \ MASTERCARD \ PAYPAL Skype : qanalss \ stasmob1
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