Server Features :
* Lineage II: The Chaotic Throne: Interlude,
* L2OFF,
* EXP: 50x, * SP: 100x, * DROP: 10x, * SPOIL: 10x, * ADENA: 200x,
Official features:
* All areas working,
* All skills working,
* Geodata working,
* Fusion skills working,
* Clan system working,
* Augumentation system working,
* Single and party duel working,
* Cursed weapons working,
* Castle sieges working,
* Clan Hall sieges working,
* 24 buff slots,
* 10 Debuff slots
Unique features:
* Elven Fortress (Solo area boosted xp ),
* Primeval Island (Party Area ),
* Spawn Protection
* NPC Buffers - 2h buffs,
* Global Gatekeeper,
* Auto learn skills,
* Anti Buff Shield (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs),
* Giran as Main Town,
* Class Changer,
* Class Balance,
* Khadia Tattoo's,
p.s : Life Stone have drop from t-rex with spoil ( %50 Rate).