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  1. The server is available, we invite all who are interested Interlude PVP-server. www.pvp-mania.com Last screenshots:
  2. good luck :)
  3. Last update: Cabrio's Cemetery (Raid-PVP-Zone)! At the cemetery can be reached only through a teleport. www.pvp-mania.com Grand Opening: 11 September www.pvp-mania.com Grand Opening: 11 September
  4. :-beep- yeah:
  5. PVP-Mania project was based at the end of 2008. We tried to advance the concept of the Lineage 2 PVP servers on the Russian Internet, and from part at us it turned out. We were innovators and one of pioneers. We rejoice the status of the qualitative and original project. PVP-Mania is a cozy world in which everyone can find to itself a place. At present at us the only Interlude x1200 server prepares for start! Grand Opening PVP-Mania x1200: 11 September WWW.PVP-MANIA.COM Chronicles: Interlude Direction: Saturated PVP server Platform: Off (We realized some convenient functions from Java) Rates: x1200 UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT 10-level PVP system Garden of Eva: Party-location for a farm Abandoned Camp: A single-location for a farm Mania Mammon Tracks from bosses of 74+ Lv. Premium-system of characters more informations... Detailed description of the server: FEATURES OF THE SERVER Respaun raid bosses higher than 74 Lv. it is announced for the whole world. In tracks raid bosses higher than 74 Lv. Mania Coins, Blessed Enchant Scrolls, Top-grade Life Stone and another are added. Respaun Mania Mammona in Giran Harbor is announced for the whole world. Special zone for PVP, the fan and obtaining game values. Mania Mammon appears in the fixed time 4 times a day for 1 hour. Mania Mammon trades in the most valuable goods for Mania Coin. Mania Coins are got in the game way. Analog of NPC Buffera in own Inventory. Offline-trade (simply bowl off at an open bench). Binding of the character and account in IP and HWID. Seven - the seals lasts constantly (catacombs are open always). Protection against 2 windows at the Olympic Games. We do not stop and continue to hone our platform, so it becomes even more convenient and comfortable for the players. As you can see, we have implemented some handy chips for our PTS from the Java platform, and continue to work in a similar direction. GOOD EXAMPLE, WE CAN MENTION: Enchant scrolls and books, Life-stones are now in a glass 1 slot. Nerfed and fixed classes for more flexible balance. Introduced fixes resists damage from mages (we tried to create a more flexible balance between classes). WWW.PVP-MANIA.COM
  6. This is the description of ZergNet 50x Features Craft-PvP Server 50x - the original Server, designed for Creating A with interesting gameplay on PvP Interlude Chronicle! Gameplay is based on a variety of character development, obtaining values ​​of the game, PvP battles, and retains all the charm of chronicles Interlude. Launch date: 29 May 2015 (05/29/2015) Website Server: www.zergnet.ru/en Promo site: www. zergnet.ru/promo Server Features Platform: Interlude PTS (OFF) Rates: Exp / Sp - x50 Adena - x30 Drop / Spoil - x10 (chance) SealStones - x10 RB Exp / Sp - x3 Manor x1 Quests: Gather The Flames (Drop x5, reward x1) Relics of the Old Empire (Drop x5, reward x1) War with Ketra Orcs (Drop x3, reward x1) Alliance with the Ketra Orcs (Drop x3, reward x1) War with the Varka Silenos (Drop x3, reward x1) Alliance with the Varka Silenos (Drop x3, reward x1) The Finest Food (Drop x5, reward x1) All other quests have standard rates. Start character: All characters start freshman Packing: Wooden / Devotion Set and NG-Grade Weapon All the characters will be Buff Scroll: (buffs, Dances, Songs with 3 trades without resists) All the characters got Block Buff: Blocks spell the imposition of foreign (non-Olympus) All the characters have in the inventory menu Player: autoloot OFF / ON, OFF EXP / ON, OFFLINE TRADE, RUNE INFO, ITEMS TIMELEFT, HWID-binding and in-game statistics (Top Adena, Top PvP, Top PK, Top All the characters will have in skill list and Scroll of Escape Scroll of Resurrection. Game Shop (Game Shop): All equipment up to B-Grade, Consumables Necessary buyable with Adena and Recipes Low, A-Grade for Ancient Adena. Buffs: All players will own a Scroll Buff in inventory. The scroll contains: Buffs, Dances, Songs 2 and 3 professions. Without resists and buffs Blessing of Queen, Gift of Seraphim, without malaria, cholera and other debuffs from Hot Springs. Features scroll buffs: Buffs last for 60 minutes. Chant of Victory, Magnus Chant, Prophecy of Wind / Water / Fire Replace each other (only in the Buff Scroll). Chant of Victory does not recovers the HP. The scroll can not be used at the Olympiad. The scroll can not be used in combat. Class changer: 1st and 2nd class are free profession and you find them on Game Shop in any city. 3rd profession quest or custom farm (Quest required) There are two ways to get 3 profession: Bring to the Game Shop 700 pcs. Black Halisha's Mark (falling by 3 pcs. In Shrine of Loyalty) (Quest required) Alternative method: Kill the Archon of Halisha in Four Sepulchers (Quest required) Subclass: Sub-class is obtained without the full Quest, but we have an alternative option of passing. The first option of a Sub-Class: (Quest required) Bring in the Game Shop scepter Shilien's Cabrio Scepter. Get the scepter: after killing a raid boss Shiliens Messenger Cabrio, there is a chest. Remove from the chest Scepter and bring it to the Game Shop for Sub-Class. The second option of a Sub-Class: (Do not complete the quest) Buy B Game Shop the quest item: Star of Destiny and take the items to Magister Ladd in Ivory tower. After performing small quests you get the Sub-Class. You can find all instructions for the sub-class inside of Game Shop in any town! Nobless: Nobles obtained can be obtained without filing the complete quest. To obtain the status must be bought to the Noble Game Shop quest item Nobless Pass. (Network is not required for the subject) Conditions for obtaining Nobless Pass: The character must have a sub-class, and it is at the time of the murder Barakiel. Sub-class must be higher than the 61 level. The character must deliver the final blow to Barakiel or in a party with a character which humiliated the final blow. (Have the last hit) Grand Olympiad: Olympiad Cycle 2 weeks, heroes every second Monday. Running battles between 5 registered people. Class battles on Saturday and Sunday. For Nobless Gate Pass in Game Shop you can buy Greater CP Potion, CP Potion, banks attack speed, running speed and casting speed. The victory at Olympus: (When you open: Olympiad Medal Gold) Defeat at Olympus: (When you open: Olympiad Medal Silver x2) Raid Boss: Flame of Splendor Barakiel - 4 to 5 hours (without Nobless quest *) Shilien's Messenger Cabrio - from 1 to 2 hours (Sub-class without quest *) Other Features of the server: Teleports up to 40 levels are free, from 40 to 75 regular price after the 76 price level increased. Auto-learning skills. Auto-pick-up loot (maybe turn off the menu the player). Mana Potion is reduced by 800 MP, do not work on Olympiad. Prices decreased on the server 10 times, for a comfortable relationship with the concurrence on x10 Adena. Castle sieges: Castle sieges each week.
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