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Posts posted by Vintage

  1. oartkg.jpg


    150 votes on topzone and it's grand opening which means should have 300+ since u say 460 ppl on, what a liar  :rage:


    Vote system is broken at the moment and people cant vote. We dont use topzone as reward system either so the reward is per 24 hours


    So you gotta be more intelligent before try be smart on forum. And we have 250 votes not 150 ! Also we do not make 400 fake votes daily or bought like your admin friend did with 50-100 online on his server! We dont care about topsites either, we have our own advertisment

    Good luck to you, see you on server  

  2. Im bored of your same old story "I'm not karasu" over and over again ))) Failed one hi5, Failed Ertheia, now prolly u will have some players (braindead players) because Axel shutted down, so you got the moment to reopen with your damn same fail pack over and over again. Good luck all decent clans wont play there, prolly only Polaks cuz u /friendzoned them )))

    Gl and HF


    By decent clans you mean your clan? ,with that behaviour/language ?

    Nop, actually im happy that such clan wont play here


    We have our own advertising and we get new players as well, "decent players". We will be ok without you! Dont worry
    Have a good day sir!  :-[
  3. My name is not karasu

    Im sure you are confusing



    Is just an approximative value of players that has been estimated judging by the traffic, of course it may be 200 real instead of 400 but we will see!

  4. 7deb8788b4cedf0a06fc68e78be65bde.png
    Promote our server to at least 20-30 groups with 500-20k members everyday in order to receive High Rewards
    The winners will receive Free 5-20e donations on LIVE! at chooice depend on how much they promote the server!
    You need to show proof/evidence that you have at least 10-20 groups approved on your facebook! And proof that you promoted the server (just 2-3 groups proof should be ok!)
    For every 10-20 big groups that you promote, you will receive 2-5e free donations AT YOUR CHOOICE! If you try to get approved on more groups or spam again in these groups, you have the chance to double or triple your reward! I will decide the reward based on your effort! (Like 5 times a day on same groups could double your reward)
    Sounds awesome isnt?! Is that simple "simply look on facebook for l2 group, lineage group  and so on" 
    Remember! Try to get approved only on facebook groups with 500-20k members!
    If you are already approved on lot of groups, then its even easier!
    MAKE SURE THAT THE POST LOOKS NICE (good quality & a picture)!


  5. logo.png




    GRAND OPENING: 22.05.2015

    400+ Real Online Expected (We invest a lot in advertising, promote with us to reach more!)


    - High Five
    - Exp/Sp: x5000
    - Adena: x5000
    - Drop: x1
    - Starting level: 85

    - Normal Scrolls: 100% up to +14
    - Blessed Scrolls: 100% up to +16 (from Raids or PvP)
    - Safe enchant: +14
    - Max enchant: +16
    - Instant Enchant: +14 with 1 click only!
    - Element: 100% rate. One stone instant lvl 7.

    - Premium geodata fully working
    - 2 Zones (1 Farm Zone and 1 PvP Zone)
    - Easy farm, 10 MIN MAX FARM!
    - Very Good Balance System
    - Cancellation system. Buffs return after 5 seconds. Not in olympiad.
    - Olympiad from 18:00 to 00:00, olympiad call time 60 seconds, max enchant is +6, Starting points: +18
    - Siege & Territory war every weekend
    - Heroes every weekend
    - Offline shops
    - Mana Potions Enabled
    - Battlefield every 30 minutes, the top 3 players with most kills will win PvP Coins
    - Killing Spree system with supporter/assist reward
    - God Cloaks implemented
    - Vote System
    - Auto accounts
    - Custom Raids every 3 hours
    - PvP Items can be enchanted, elemented and augmented.
    - Nice community board, with info of the server, events, top pvp/pk ...
    - Helpful & Active staff
    - No Corruption

    - Gm Shop: everything can be found here such as God Cloaks, Equipment, etc...
    - Gatekeeper: Here you can travel to any of our zones for free.
    - Scheme Buffer with enchanted buffs +30/+15. Slots: 40/18. Time: 2 hours.
    - Services Manager: you can find here usefull functions like subclass manager, certifications, augment, etc...
    - Solo Zone: PvP alone without needing a party.
    - Noblesse Manager: Get Free Noblesse with 1 click
    - Fame/Clan Manager: Get Fame or Clan Reputation
    - Nexus Buffer: Select 6 buffs at chooice for events only

    - Funny events like TvT, CTF, Deathmatch and much more!
    - GM Events available too! 
    - .register to join events
    - Professional Nexus Engine working flawless


    We have powerfull machine with ddos protection. We can handle over 500 players online without any problem

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