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Posts posted by AchYleek

  1. Ok but avoid to spread bad words about stallonky at every single post

    you have to look profressional, atm most of your post hare full of hatred for stallonky and is not good for your apparance

    he was at tales gm team, what u want from him?


    he also scammed 50e :OOOOOOOOOOOOO

  2. fail what? u wanted proof and i posted one :)

     3 August 2k12 was  dragoneye, at redemption he dont sold epics and items ++ 


    mucho good prooff  from screen 3y ago 



    Hello please еxplain in detail. We have to check if it is not a general problem thanks



    i can, first reason = u are someone from WORLD who use same hosting,


    or im banned already at all servers just not stalone))) 

  4. 89kb.png

    l2dragoneye server with mouse as the server admin and the guy "mihebyeee" spent 1k~ euro so he got those jewels. and redemption is mouse server also.

    that screen is from gm char, so its from u? next time when u have gm privi learn how to play and dont make 200 chars per period for hero


    and 1k euro for those shit epics, its nothing)))  




                             REGISTER YOUR CLAN NOW!

                       OPEN BETA TEST AFTER FEW HOURS

    yah 8,8k viewes, and u will talk something about stalonka fake counters))))))))))) 

  6. Our Co-OP with lineage.ru is since 1 year ago + . From time to time we do stand alone projects .

    We do not think that eu community is dead , else this forum wil be closed too :)


    with 100 online :O 

  7. Bad news, he will lose many players, bcs many players will leave tales, and they will go to play to redemption/averia/lineage



    and tales is dead since first heros so i think he dont care xD

  8. 4 server's wiped and re-wiped once and once again

    from serius project averia becomed a trash like tales


    maybe u should wake up and u will get  thats its already 2k15 


    and l2 is dead, and after 1months everyone will left for new server. 

  9. Inform better yourself


    I'm the all mighty KenRen, i don't have nothing to do with stallonky mousosky or mid rates shittosky

    If you have to post positive feedbacks so the admin will gear up you is your own issues

    redemption sucks and staff is corrupted as fuck (Want to talk about mik something? the adventurer ultra big edited?)

    let's stop with this bullsh1t, private server's are get ruined by moron's admin and childish clan like yours

    enjoy 28 days of playng (after machine will be expired and they will run away with money)


    like someone care what talk this random)) )


    you played at stalonka servers, you show stalonka servers videos and hate his servers............................


    sad storki 

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