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Posts posted by BenjaminF

  1. Skype discussion between L2Saga and L2Destiny Admins...It is pretty interesting ;)


    [00:24:57] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: sure Saga you try to catch some players

    [00:24:58] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: from us

    [00:25:01] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: but is pointless

    [00:25:06] *** Claudio Corchez a părăsit conversaţia ***

    [00:25:12] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: any way

    [00:25:14] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: for this

    [00:25:14] *** Andrei Barbu a părăsit conversaţia ***

    [00:25:19] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: ill keep you down

    [00:25:28] L2Saga Support: you put 2 day claw and other weapons to donate shop...you are respect players as I saw

    [00:25:39] L2Saga Support: dragon full epics at donate shop

    [00:25:40] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: yes we have

    [00:25:43] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: yes

    [00:25:44] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: and ?

    [00:25:50] L2Saga Support: nice server :D

    [00:25:52] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: thank you

    [00:25:53] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: ofc is it

    [00:25:58] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: this one will handle

    [00:26:01] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: for a long period

    [00:26:10] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: and we don't do like you do with your guys

    [00:26:11] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: on hide

    [00:26:16] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you want to paste here

    [00:26:16] L2Saga Support: until next circle of servers?lionna etc?

    [00:26:39] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: my friend you are trying to be nice guy with players

    [00:27:32] L2Saga Support: I don't try to be

    [00:27:33] L2Saga Support: I am

    [00:27:37] L2Saga Support: not like you

    [00:27:56] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you cannot be like us

    [00:28:02] L2Saga Support: I don't want to be like you

    [00:28:04] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: is imposable

    [00:28:07] L2Saga Support: ofcourse

    [00:28:12] L2Saga Support: i am not corrupted

    [00:28:15] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: because you cannot offer to players

    [00:28:21] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: such files

    [00:28:23] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: such lies

    [00:28:25] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you have l2off

    [00:28:30] L2Saga Support: hmm

    [00:28:31] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: such bugs

    [00:28:34] L2Saga Support: want to log in my beta ?

    [00:28:40] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you want me to write to all players

    [00:28:47] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: how you create adena

    [00:28:49] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: in your server

    [00:28:51] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: without boting?

    [00:28:53] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: I check it

    [00:28:54] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: don't worry

    [00:29:09] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: I already made deal with some guys

    [00:29:09] L2Saga Support: no point discussing with you

    [00:29:14] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: to sell as fuck in your

    [00:29:15] L2Saga Support: this is ridiculous

    [00:29:15] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: server

    [00:29:16] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: adena

    [00:29:22] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: and  I will get 50%

    [00:29:23] L2Saga Support: you are free to login and show me any bugs

    [00:29:29] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: no need

    [00:30:01] L2Saga Support: anyway

    [00:30:08] L2Saga Support: good luck with your sales

    [00:30:15] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: dont worry

    [00:30:20] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: if everything goese ok

    [00:30:25] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: I will say to other players

    [00:30:29] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: to make some faster adena

    [00:30:31] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: :)

    [00:30:34] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: is imposable to fix it

    [00:30:41] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: beause you cannot find it

    [00:30:50] L2Saga Support: yes but don't forget to increase fake counter on destiny from 7k online to 12k online

    [00:30:54] L2Saga Support: tomorrow

    [00:30:56] L2Saga Support: :)

    [00:30:59] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: I will do it yes

    [00:31:06] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: but this will be by players

    [00:31:06] L2Saga Support: ofcourse you will

    [00:31:12] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: that's the problem

    [00:31:29] L2Saga Support: at least use a delay in fake counter increase

    [00:31:40] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: put your players to check your vote history

    [00:31:41] L2Saga Support: or you don't have one ??

    [00:31:42] L2Saga Support: :)

    [00:31:49] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: to see that you dont have more than real online 450

    [00:32:12] L2Saga Support: anyway come on

    [00:32:16] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you know better

    [00:32:23] L2Saga Support: you have hopzone with you

    [00:32:23] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: and for this reason that you flame us

    [00:32:29] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: without us to doing you anything

    [00:32:30] L2Saga Support: don't be afraid

    [00:32:34] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: this time we will strike back

    [00:32:44] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: beucase is bad to flame us for nothing

    [00:32:47] L2Saga Support: when didn't you stike back ?

    [00:32:48] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: we didn't flame you

    [00:32:54] L2Saga Support: you opened a server 2 days before us

    [00:32:58] L2Saga Support: who striked first ?

    [00:33:01] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: and whats the point ?

    [00:33:05] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: I open when I want

    [00:33:09] L2Saga Support: point is you are a greed man

    [00:33:13] L2Saga Support: 4 servers

    [00:33:19] L2Saga Support: you took all the money from players

    [00:33:23] L2Saga Support: with hidden olfs, dressme

    [00:33:27] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: really?

    [00:33:28] L2Saga Support: talisman +2 stats

    [00:33:30] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: let me show you

    [00:33:33] L2Saga Support: relax a little

    [00:33:35] L2Saga Support: make some holidays

    [00:33:41] L2Saga Support: get a Porsche and go drive

    [00:33:48] L2Saga Support: make a pause

    [00:33:48] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: yes ty

    [00:33:54] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: we will do it

    [00:33:56] L2Saga Support: lionna when ?

    [00:33:57] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: when you will exit

    [00:33:58] L2Saga Support: next week ?

    [00:34:08] L2Saga Support: tomorrow ?

    [00:34:11] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: the problem is this will not be so ofen

    [00:34:13] L2Saga Support: when?

    [00:34:23] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: because currently we made destiny

    [00:34:24] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: to be stable

    [00:34:30] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: for the most long time online

    [00:34:39] L2Saga Support: at least we invest something back for our players

    [00:34:43] L2Saga Support: :)

    [00:34:52] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: yes as you see we invest

    [00:34:57] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you see quality in our server

    [00:35:04] L2Saga Support: i don't think so

    [00:35:11] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: ofc you dont

    [00:35:11] L2Saga Support: i saw your bug report

    [00:35:17] L2Saga Support: and ofcourse

    [00:35:21] L2Saga Support: i know l2ro

    [00:35:23] L2Saga Support: :)

    [00:35:27] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: even if you know

    [00:35:34] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: you dont have the real files

    [00:35:35] marian_marian: dude, still better a server with 500+ online than 1 with 5k fake and donate op!

    [00:35:38] L2Saga Support: really ?

    [00:35:45] marian_marian: let s be honest

    [00:35:57] L2Saga Support: ask me for a part of code inside one class

    [00:36:06] L2Saga Support:  one random class

    [00:36:10] L2Saga Support: whatever you like

    [00:36:33] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: sure

    [00:36:37] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: keep your low player

    [00:36:44] marian_marian: ahahahhaha

    [00:36:44] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: let them play

    [00:36:47] L2Saga Support: i'm fine with low

    [00:36:47] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: with npcs

    [00:36:52] ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate **: sure

    [00:36:55] L2Saga Support: npcs ?

    [00:36:58] L2Saga Support: how old are you ?

    [00:36:59] marian_marian: nab detected

    [00:37:01] marian_marian: xD

    [00:37:04] marian_marian: banned me

    [00:37:07] marian_marian: xaxaxaxa

    [00:37:57] marian_marian: Morientes dude, get back to your cave and get some pussy. let s be honest. you have some hormonal problems

    [00:38:05] L2Saga Support: morientes ?

    [00:38:07] L2Saga Support: really ?

    [00:38:10] marian_marian: ye

    [00:38:11] marian_marian: :)

    [00:38:14] L2Saga Support: why renamed?

    [00:38:22] L2Saga Support: we all know the team

    [00:38:35] marian_marian: mous?

    [00:38:37] marian_marian: :(

    [00:39:51] Silviu: I just got my popcorn please go on, don't stop!

    [00:39:59] marian_marian: mars in mm

    [00:40:06] marian_marian: =-)))

    [00:40:20] L2Saga Support: [00:39] Silviu: <<< I just got my popcorn please go on, don't stop!

    [00:40:22] L2Saga Support: hahaha

    [00:40:23] L2Saga Support: :)

    [00:40:28] *** ** Lineage2 Destiny New x25 MidRate ** left the conversation ***

  2. Why so much sarcasm? Why so much hate in general? Were are the PRO players/owners? This days no one can be fair-play, all of you think that you are smart or that you are better than others. You know what? This is not true. Everyone of us is better then the other one in one way or another.

    I don't see why you have to hate so much? I think you miss your childhood love, your parents didn't gave you enough? Or they gave you too much? :D

    What is a fail server in your opinion? You think a server is a success only if at the opening they have 2k players? And why is more successful a 2k fake players server than a 500-1k real players server?

    For me, and i can asure you that even for all REAL and PRO Lineage2 players, if a server have a nice community, if the players are humans witch who you can have a proper conversation, were you can hate each other in game and in your free time to drink a beer, that is a success server. Not a server were all players are haters like you and all they know to do is do humiliate the others just because they think they are the best ;) That is not a success server.

    You can't have success based on hate! :D



  3. Good job guys, again! :D


    Nice server, nice admins, and hopefully nice comunity. We will see what it will be in 2 days :)


    But from a former experience, i can say that it will be a good server.


    I remember this:



    Good luck with the new season :)



    BTW guys...do you have youtube channel?

  4. ppl left that silly serv ;)) 


    Enjoy ur serv w/o ppl ;)) next time think then rollback ...  


    Thx God that you left...it was the smartest decision that you made :)

    All of you are just a bunch of DRAMA QUEENS! :D

    We got bored because of you :)


    The server is very good with or w/out you.

    Now we can finally use chat for trading items and not to read your drama story live.


    Right in this moment ppl are making pvp in dv and having fun  :)



    all ppl farming? so tell me where/  DV-PI-IT-hb full of bots rly i played  3 days on server and its enough.. after 1 day i  was full 300/1800 so dont tell me that ppl farming


    Lol full? I play for 3 days and i don't even have a vesper :) So you are a bot if you made it in 1 day at 15x rate drop/spoil :))))))))))))))))


    Let's just ignore him, he is just a frustrated hater :D





    The server is great, is worth playing on l2mythras :) As others said, good staff (i know them from their previous server) and a perfect server.

    If you login you will see that they really worked on it, is not just another cheap platform you see on most of the servers this days that are made only for donations. I can't wait to collect enough vote coins so i can change them in donator coins :D:D:D:D (great idea btw).


    Cya on mythras :)



    P.S. @Modre - is your clan international? If yes, are you recruiting? :D

  6. Lol dudes...read the server stats :))) is 55x exp but 15x drop/spoil :D

    If you don't join this server then do not comment :)))


    Join and see for yourself...don''t look at what J3lon say...all day he complains...in game and on forums :)


    Never listen what other ppl say...is better to see with your own eyes :)

  7. Server looks great man.


    Ppl are farming in 1st day of server, so we don't just stay in giran for ppl to see us.

    We want lvl and items :D

    Check farm zones and see for yourself, maybe we meet there.


    GenesiS is my nick in game, cya all there :)


    Great job!

  8. I've heard that you were in team with Thor? Is that true?

    Lol dude, that guy...humph....why I am not surprised?!

    Did you ever ask some ppl arround to see their oppinion about Thor before you open up this partnership with him?

    I thought you bought the pack from him, not that you had a partnership....but obviously wasn't like I thought.


    Is not nice he did that, he practicaly stole your work so he can open it again...this is not nice from him...but bussiness is bussiness :) - my respect that you are moving on with something that looks promising from the very beggining.


    I wish you good luck with this project of yours. I gave up on playing on Legend some time ago when I saw that you guys don't do nothing to improve that server, but now i understand why :)

    I joined the beta version of Mythras and it looks nice, some things to be fixed but, eh, this is why is beta, right?


    May i come with some suggestion?

    For example: I would get rid of that inventory style...is ugly...I want to see my character not all my items lined up :D

    And that writing font is too small, i liked better the original version :)

    This are my suggestions :D

    Good luck with your new project. I hope you will kick Thor's ass, he is the most corrput Lineage 2 private server owner ever :angry:


    P.S. When will you open it Live?

  9. ok,u're retarded...it's beta phase dude. lol

    Man....you don't have time physically to create a clan.....to buy all your equip and +++ it in 15 min only....As you see from this pic some have "red" weap some have "blue" weap...this mean the ++ on weap is manually....psysically you don't have time....if would be after 30min-1 hour after start i would believe that...but in 15 min....lol.


    Anyway this is the less important thing...the most importan thing is the way they advertise their server...but is their choice...this way he help l2legend to advertise with "anti-advertise" system :D

  10. BUG reports in our forums



    BTW we are amazed, this ONLINE on averia OPEN BETA TEST , 997 people!!!! AMAZING, we never excpected it! THIS pic here is not gathering!! players spawn in original spots! , this is 15 minutes after opening





    Seriously? 15 min on and ppl already have clan and zaken transform and weap +++++ and elegia and colored name and...lol...omg :))

    Do you really think that l2 players are so stupid? OMFG!!!

    Really this server is obviously made only for money!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. This is very unprofessional....but is your bussines about how you advertise your server....or better said anti-advertise :D

    Like you did with L2Dorn you do now with Averia....i am curious how much money will you make untill you fail :)

    You promised a good server who don't count on donations only...but from what i saw L2Dorn was made only for money. You failed and now you try

    to open Averia....for money too i suppose...but this is your bussiness and players of L2 are free to choose their server.

    So stop this anoying spam on other servers. I bet www.l2legend.ro is not the only server were you apply this stupid anti-advertise of yours....but i am glad that www.l2legend.ro staff members have enough courage to stand against you.

    As long as players are free to choose their server you better invest your time in some good and prosperous advertise...with this king of advertise all you do is to make players to hate you and to never join you.


    Here some pictures that my clan members send to me so i can post here for helping http://www.l2legend.ro:




















  12. Lol.

    Karma go down if you die, but go down more if you kill mobs.

    And why you cry about karma if you make pk....this server is craft/pvp not pk server, and if you make pk then you asume the fact that you have karma and you have to remove it the way should be. This is not a 5000x server were karma drop fast...is a 50x server were karma should go down slow :)

    And why you ask a gm to remove your karma? You make karma willingly, is not gm's fault that you are stupid and you don't know to play on a mid rate server :)


    Well adena was a problem on server but from what i saw gms solved it and now the economy come back to normal.


    Everything can be solved but we, players, need to be patient....we have to understand that gms are not robots and they can't be online 24/7...they have lifes like we all have...familly, jobs and so on...and we have to understand that some things can't be solved just from 1 click...for 1 easy bug there can be 100 files that need to be modified and if you don't know exactly what and how to modify can appear more bugs :)


    I don't know how many of you had a server before....i personaly tryed to make one but it seemed too hard....but i learned 1 thing from my experience....to respect a gm and his work because is not easy....they try to create for us a perfect play land....they have to listen to all noobs that don't know how to play and start cry cuz of stupid things just because they are noobs...and they have to be patient and eventualy to spend 2-3 hours teaching a noob to play...and all this from my former experience. I will never make a server again...but know i know to respect others work.


    And the thing is easy...if someone don't like a server i don't understand why to be hater and to flame the gm all time when is easy to close client and coose another server.


    What you did L2 Dev is usless and noobish and you prove only the fact that you are just a noob hater :) Respect for that gm who told you "stfu" :D


    I think that on this server GMs pay too much attention to all players...honestly if i would be gm i would never answer to all pms and i will never listen to all players who cry without a reason, just because they are noobs.


    @CeluloSSe: Don't be upset because this hater noob. And don't pay so much attention to all players in game. Take your time to fix things and to make this server perfect and don't waste that precious time on all noobs in game. They don't worth it.


    @L2Dev: Go play tetrix :D


  13. Hello!

    You did a very nice job with this server. Everything is working great and I like that GMs are active...not like on other servers were noone would listen to you.

    I like also that u resolve problems really fast and we don't wait too much for a problem to be fixed.

    An ofc I like the new premium acc system :D:D:D:D This is the best idea i saw :) with this you can farm really really easy :D this is lovely :P

    Untill now everything is absolutely amazing :)

    You are great guys,

    Keep it going :)

  14. I start to love this server. Not like...but LOVE :D The exp is fast...farming is good...and even if you have to make the quest for nobless...in max 2 hours is done...item's needed for quest drop 1/mob so is pretty easy :) I played only 6 hours and i am allready full subclass and nobless done :)

    Nice job guys,

    Keep it going :)

  15. Hey. I logged in on server and it looks very good :)


    Really i don't think is a donators only server. Is true that donators obtain items easyer but is the same on all servers. I don't see why this would be special. Keeping a server open to public implies lots of costs....so i have no problem with donators. They are free to play like we all are. And from how CeluloSSe presents the server it looks like us, non-donators, still have a chance winning :D Not like i saw on other servers were a non-donator couldn't obtain an item in game cuz was available only on donation. We can have all the items like donators...more to work to obtain them...but we have the chance...and honestly...were is the fun in playing L2 if you don't spoil, craft....is easyer to donate money and have what you want fast...but is no fun :D So see the bright side :P


    I think they are making a good job with this server and i wish them: Long Live Legend! :D:D:D

  16. Yay! 8 days :D

    Nice to hear that, can't wait the big opening :)



    But...sorry for asking...aren't there too many coin types...like....donator coin, festival adena, mouse coins, vote coins, gold einshad...?

    I supose you know better what you're doing...but i am just asking :D

  17. Thank you for reporting the Command Channel issue.

    Yes, just fasten your seatbelts, we will oppen i think 10 to 12 days!

    Now we are testing and improving a Mini Event Npc, thhat will appear once /week with considerable rewards in FA

    Also this weekend, after restart, server will be configured for max + 6 gear in olympiad (this server will be NOT  only for donators), enchant rates will be raised to 75% bless and 65% normal. Max enchant in NON-Olympiad pvp will be alowed to +16.


    If u consider to tell us new ideas, plesase do it!




    I am glad to see that the opening will be soon and i can't wait to play.

    Thx for making olympiad easy for everyone. I have nothing with donators, i know "they keep the server alive" but is not too nice to play on a server were only donators count. I hope here will be different and small/nondonators player will have a chance at least in olympiad. Is a good idea.

    I can't wait to see the mini event thing :D:D:D

    Cya ingame mate.

  18. I just logged in and it looks nice. Good geodata, i didn't have problems.

    I saw comand channel is not working, better you fix it :D

    Anyway if i find anything else i will report to GM's.

    They seem really nice people and willing to improve.

    I don't know how old serveer was i just discovered it but untill now it looks nice.

    I can't wait the official opening :D

    Please make it faster...:D

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