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About Perolo

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  1. very thx now i see ur post very thx, go tested now, but sure the other time search say nothing to me :)
  2. Hey man i use search but nothing about that, can you give me the link plz
  3. Hey guys anyone have or know where i can download zoom for kamael? thx in avance
  4. Hey you know how spam cp pots? and what delay? I use nostromo Thx a lot
  5. Hey very useful, thz a lot i need help, need the same script but for cp, i need know id item for greater cp pots, and what delay i use. Sorry for my english Thx in avance
  6. Ok all right now ;), thx Maxtor and the other ppl who help me Perolo
  7. Hey i am new here, i am donator yesterday all right but today i cant see the hiden post :S Any admin can help me? sorry if not the right section and for my english Fix it pls. Thx
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