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About Olguin

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  1. Khadia Server Information ChaosRage Server Khadia (Medium) (x30) [Epilogue] - Rates EXP x30 SP x30 Adena x30 - Enchant: Safe +3 / Max. +16 - Enchant rate: 55% normal, 75% blessed. - Buff Slots: 20 + 12 + 4 Divine Inspiration (oficial) - Buffs Duration: * Prophets,Elders,Orc: 1 hour. * Profecys,Cov: 6 mint. * Dances, Songs: 20 mint. * Clan Halls: 1 hour. - Skills: Learning of Skills with only SP ( No Books needed ) - Change of Job: Npc. - Sub-Class: With Quest (Oficial) - Geodata: Implemented - Nobless (with oficial quest) - Héroes (Olympics) - Global Gatekeeper - Skills Lvl 81 & 83 Activated(custom) - Spawn Protection (45s) - Maximum 3 Sub-classes (NO cumulated) - Level Sub-Clases maximum 83 - Mana Potions recuperate 100 (x moobs drop) - Hervs System activated - Sieges, Weddings, Fishing, 7 Signs Activated. - Weaponds and Armors Up to B grade in Luxury Shop. - Event Manager Khadia (Air Items, Buff Scrolls, Quest, Potions , Firework) - All Epilogue Quest Active. Norma Farming and Lvling Zones: - Lv. 01-10 : Newbie Gremlin Zones - Lv. 10-20 : Ruins of Agony - Lv. 20-40 : Execution Grounds - Lv. 40-52 : Cruma Tower 1st Floor - Lv. 52-61 : Cruma Tower 2nd Floor - Lv. 61-66 : Dragon Valley Caves - Lv. 66-70 : Lair of Antharas - Heart - Lv. 70-76 : Imperial Tomb New Epilogue Farming and Lvling Zones Active: - Lv. 78-85 : Mithrill Mines - Lv. 80-85 : Field of Silence - Lv. 80-85 : Field of Whispers Web page: www.chaosrage.cl TeamSpeak: Staff Theclown Pandora
  2. I have 9 warning in L2nvcInstance.java but compile fine now am testing ^^ if you want change faction noobs to cool ?
  3. Sorry Now In English
  4. Info Update
  5. I invite you to play Chaosrage.Com - Community MMORPG Lineage II We have 2 Servers Here the description of each server Information Server (Sieghart - PVP) - Gms Activos - Updates: Weekly, last Datapack - Rates x800 SP EXP x800 Adena x800 - Enchanted: +5 Safe / Max. +25 - Buff Slots: 20 + 12 + 4 Divine Inspiration (official) - Buffs Duration: 2 hours - Skills: Aprendizaje automatico - Changes class: No Quest - Geodata: Implemented - Pets: Red Strider, Snow Fenrir, and Horse - Cursed Weapon (Zariche, Akamanan) (active) - GmShop - NPC Buffer - Nobility (In Quest) - Heroes (Olympics) - Global Gatekeeper - TVT Event automatically every 2 hours - Lvl 81 Skills On (custom) - Spawn Protection (45s) - Custom Mana Potions (Drop Mobs) - Maximum 3 Suclasses (NOT cumulative) - Siege - Weddings - Armor and weapon vesper incorporated. - Tattoos Tattoos Vendor and vendor XL incorporated. Information Server (Kain - Medium) - Gms Activos - Updates: Weekly, last Datapack - Rates EXP x20 SP x20 Adena x30 Drop x10 Spoil x15 - Enchanted: +3 Safe / Max. +25 - Buff Slots: 20 + 12 + 4 Divine Inspiration (official) - Buffs Duration: 1 hour - Skills: Aprendizaje automatico - Changes class: No Quest - Geodata: Implemented - Pets: Red Strider, Snow Fenrir, and Horse - Events: Glittering Medals, and L2Day Valentine - Cursed Weapon (Zariche, Akamanan) (active) - No GmShop - No NPC Buffer - Nobility (In Quest) - Heroes (Olympics) - Global Gatekeeper - TVT Event automatically every 3 hours - Champion Mobs activated - Lvl 81 Skills On (custom) - Sell, Buy, Craft Offline Mode Active - Spawn Protection (45s) - Custom Mana Potions (Drop Mobs) - Maximum 3 Suclasses (NOT cumulative) - Siege, Clan House, etc. - Seven Signs, Career, Family, Fishing ... Areas Leveleo - Lv. 01-10: Newbie Zones Gremlin - Lv. 10-20: Ruins of Agony - Lv. 20-40: Execution Grounds - Lv. 40-52: 1st Floor Tower Crum - Lv. 52-61: 2nd Floor Tower Crum - Lv. 61-66: Dragon Valley Caves - Lv. 66-70: Lair of Antharas - Heart - Lv. 70-76: Imperial Tomb Do not forget to vote for the server once a day Web Page: www.chaosrage.com TeamSpeak: Hope to see you try ChaosRage pvp server you do not regret it. Informacion del servidor - CPU Phenom X3 8450 Box (AM2+) 3 Nucleos - 8 GB de ram (KINGSTON DDR2 2GB 800 MHZ x 3) - placa MotherBoard ECS A780GM-A - SAMSUNG HD161HJ (160 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II) Staff : Admin Theclown Admin Taros Admin Circe
  6. Yes all skill Gracia Part 2
  7. Chaos Rage PvP server Ingles Info server: Web: www.chaosrage.com Host: http://www.chaosrage.com/Hosts.rar System Patch: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=FAFHX4WZ Rates: XP: 1000 Rates: SP: 1000 Rates: Adena: 1000 Enchanted: Max - 25 Enchanted: Safe - 6 Enchanted Chance: Normal Scroll: 50% Blessed Scroll: 60% Crystal Scroll: 70% Features of the server: - NPC Buffer - GM Shop - Custom Gatekeeper - 2 hours Buff - Class Manager - Custom farming areas - Custom-fifth Gatekeeper - Auto learn skills - 100% Olympiad System - Custom Hunting Areas - RaidBosses 100% - Customized GrandBoss (Beleth, Epidos, Baylor, Darion All Skill Active) - Castle Siege - Auto Team vs Team Event - GM events every day - Full Gracia Part 2 - Skill lvl 81 all activated Server Information - Phenom X3 8450 CPU Box (AM2 +) - 6 GB of RAM (KINGSTON DDR2 2GB 800 MHz x 3) - Motherboard plate A780GM ECS-A - Hard disk SAMSUNG HD161HJ (160 GB, 7200 RPM SATA-II) Chaos Rage PvP server Spanish Info servidor: Web: www.chaosrage.com Host: http://www.chaosrage.com/Hosts.rar System Patch: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=FAFHX4WZ Rates: XP: 1000 Rates: SP: 1000 Rates: Adena: 1000 Enchant: Max - 25 Enchant: Safe - 6 Enchant Chance : Normal Scroll: 50% Blessed Scroll: 60% Crystal Scroll: 70% Características del servidor: - NPC Buffer - GM Shop - ºCustom Gatekeeper - 2 horas Buff - Class Manager - Personalizado zonas agrícolas - ºCustom Gatekeeper - Auto learn skills - Olympiad System 100% - Custom Hunting Areas - RaidBosses 100% - GrandBoss Personalizados (Beleth, Epidos, Baylor, Darion All Skill Active) - Castle Sieges - Auto Event Team vs Team - GM eventos todos los día - Full gracia parte 2 - skill lvl 81 todas activadas Informacion del servidor - CPU Phenom X3 8450 Box (AM2+) 3 Nucleos - 6 GB de ram (KINGSTON DDR2 2GB 800 MHZ x 3) - placa MotherBoard ECS A780GM-A - Disco duro SAMSUNG HD161HJ (160 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II) Staff : Admin Theclown Admin Taros GM MorphynE
  8. Xd Classmaster Try //spawn 31228
  9. HI this is a new server l2chaosrage Rates * Adena: 3000x * Drop: 10x * Spoil: 10x * Exp: 500x * SP: 500x Enchant Rates: * 85% Normal scrolls * Safe to +7 * Max +25 Info * Working Nobles & Hero System * GM Shops 100% * Global GK * NPC Buffer * 5h Buff times * Tattoo's With All Working Stats * Server Up 24H Forum Web: http://www.l2chaosrage.uni.cc/index.php?showtopic=2
  10. Thanks men just need updat my pack oneo
  11. mm i dont have 20 post xd myby later
  12. ok tahnks
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