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About kago

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    Walking around Aden...

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Can vouch for his service. Know of clients and cases that were unlikely to get their accounts back. He did, however.
  2. I don't have the rights to PM him >_>
  3. Hello there, I was a V.I.P. Member since some time and in my Paid subscriptions it says that it is still active. Unfortunately I can not see hidden posts nor do I have the other rights of a V.I.P. Member. Did those rights get removed? :( Sorry if I posted this into the wrong section. Don't know where else I should post this.
  4. lol sure there is a bot for questing glider absolutely supports questing as far as you insertet the correct profile there ware profiles for human leveling 1-70 via quests AND grinding as well and other stuff
  5. jeap the new warden update WILL detect 1.6.8 in some way dont use it anymore on LIVE servers!!! the new version is 1.7.0 unfortianetly the mmoglider uses in his every release a new crypt hash algorythm so i cannot assure you that i can give you a new crack soon... i will post it again in a new thread if i succes
  6. never tested it on vista but afaik glider 1.6.8 do work on vista
  7. seems he cant find a file which is needed to get cracked... uhm... usuealy he can bot with a level 1 character either... i didnt test it but i should work... do you used a working profile? in the folder there is a HELP-File which says how you use the bot
  8. dont know what you have, working by me :/ .net framework installed?
  9. as far i know shadow priests DO make respectable DPS and i saw many SP's outDPS'ing my 2xt5/marks arcane mage with like 1700 DPS or more...
  10. sorry forgot to wirte the password :/ www.maxcheaters.com a how to install guide is inserted in the .rar anyway here again: 1. install with GliderDeploy 2. copy glider.exe and patch.exe to the installation folder 3. use patch and start glider with glider.exe, nothing else... and yes, it works with current patch on EU, US and Asia servers. for best results use enGB language pack have fun, kago
  11. ...sorry answered to the wrong topic.. spam :(
  12. so what im looking for: fully working, unbuggy, raid instances ( Kara, Gruul, Maggi, SSC, TK, MH, BT ) Instant 70, Free to get T6, SW Equip etc pp. maybe overpowered equip to solo raid's and stuff.
  13. i can assure you that it will work :D the shop will not be able to control it, since they usualy dont even know what you buyed there! just remmber to keep the receive ;) really nice share :D
  14. kago


    your anti virus system founds a virus because the software is packed/protected by an non commercial protector which, normaly is flagged as a trojan.dropper or something... not harmful yout the computer if you can trust the source, and in this case you can
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