Hello fellas, We are a small community(for now) of about 20 people from all nationalities, currently playing on the russian Classic server Gran Kain. Now, before you whine about how it is all in russian- we have an english patch which will turn your menu,mobs,texts,skill names,descriptions etc in English. The only thing left in russian is the players names, names of areas on the map and quest descriptions. Unfortunately, the server is pay to play but its like 4 euros a month. All retail files, everything works fine. Lagless. If you are interested in joining our community and have a proper Lineage play from the c1 era mixed up with some pretty cool improvements, send me a private message,or simply visit http://l2takeover.shivtr.com/
***Edit*** - Many people can not buy play-time because of payment restrictions,so people who can popped out and are selling time. I am one of them. Contact me here or at skype: kaloyan.zhelyazkov1
Price per code : 7 pounds. (time+charge)