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Posts posted by domiciano

  1. Simpler than Trial Reset


    -Start L2Walker once and exit

    -Start regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software

    -Right click on ASProtect

    -Click export and save the file to your walker folder


    Now whenever your trial expires only execute the .reg file you just created


    In case you already ran the trial, use Trial Reset and then follow the steps, you won't need it afterwards


    Perfect! It works. Tks!



  2. I analised all the entries from mandachumbo and delete the ones I figure out had something to do with the program - i didnt used the MRU (most recent files) nor the excel ones.


    But it didnt worked out.


    But I manage to find were it counts the times you run the program. See the pic bellow.




    I changed the value to 0, but of corse it didnt worked. It must store the data encripted somewere else.


    Keep looking.



  3. Here is the Best combination of files possible to run the new Lineage 2 Chronicle Gracia!!! :D

    Password: Papajo.R

    Enjoy it! 8)


    Hey buddy, u better clean up ur INI files b4 u post since Its possible to identify the server u play when unpack the file.


    I dont mind but there's people out there that only want to see the world burn.*


    * from Alfred, Bruce Wayne´s servant very wise colocation on "The Dark Knight".

  4. Copy l2info.dat from the IG 2.05 to the OOG 10.9.0 and voila, ct2 skills/items show up....


    I use it.......


    Exactlly what I did. And no need to change host files or whatever. Just run the executable, click START and have fun.


    People love to complicate things.

  5. well you are running the 10.9.>>>0<<<  in this screen shot not the 10.9.1(im not talking ONLY for crack I am talking about the actual walker exe aswell)... it may work too in gracia but ahs not the new skills and items..... besides there are a few links to dowload 10.9.0 OOG walker for one YEAR here in this forums..anyway I uploaded the best combo here.


    If u read my comments you wouldnt post that.

  6. Dont know what shyt ur doing wrong mate.


    About that 10.9.2 crack, I woudnt use it if I was you.


    Oh and BTW, I am using the 10.9.0, and not this 10.9.1 CRACK because I dont like it, not because it may not work, cuz it does  ;).

  7. if you think l2net is a bad program you are braindead.


    good job sloth, but i dunno if i like the way l2net is heading, you are making it more noob friendly, is that what you really want?


    man, i have being writing softwares and managing projects for noob and high-tech end users for more then 10 years so I can tell you this: people have the power!


    and people only use what they understand. So if we wanna this programa to be popular and powerfull, and get more and more contributors it MUST be designed for noobs.


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