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Everything posted by lastcho1c3

  1. adr.bot thx you dude, i'm find solution of problem - i'm just delet all in folder "Settings" now it's work perfectly
  2. Guys, have anyone working bot for this server - http://l2abyss.com/ adrenalin started normal, but it's don't attach the gamewindow - in field where must be Nick of character and status worte - "OFF"
  3. dude, it's enable... i test it in many options, but i have one result :-/ maybe trouble in smart guard? but i bypassed it and enter in game normal...
  4. it's can't take to target anyone mob - naer Dion, in the catacombs... maybe it's server setings??? hear my xml file config anyone have version 1.61 cracked? maybe need test that version...
  5. that mobs are normal... i can't understand what troublr is??? P.S. server is http://apogeus.ru/ that server with small online, but i want test bot on it
  6. in my server mobs have russian names... but it is can't be a trouble , in other server without protection (ILx10k+) farm mob have russ name, but it was not an obstacle
  7. all options is on - assist, combat zone-manual... but bot don't want attack mob automat...if i select manual target - bot work in full power... :(
  8. Hello all forum members... Guys I need your help, on one server with SmartGuard a can enter into game with adrenalin cracked v1.71, but i have new trouble - bot don't want take mob into target automatically... but if I take option "Take target manualy" bot working - spoil, attak, assist, follow and sweeper (i test it on dwarf char)... can help me anyone in my problem? P.S.ssory for bad eng, i'm from Ukraine, and sometimes use google-translate ;)
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