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Everything posted by g3

  1. i've searched and found nothing, is there a way to bypass a loader so i can use Hlapex or other sniffer? i've read something about editing the l2.ini but i tried and its the same, when loader opens it kills my sniffer. thx in advance
  2. It worked 1 or 2 weeks ago on out server, it was c5 official, now its interlude i havent tested it yet but it has the same bugs just new visuals, only need to rerout the l2.ini so it doesnt use the normal loader and uses Hlapex.
  3. thanks :), i've tried lots of packets but i only have access to some since im new here, the create item packets are wierd, i see the items on the ground only on client side, i msut be doing something wrong. Also i tried a teleport packet, it teleports me to the human noob village but i cant test it further since i dont know how to work with its coordinates :/.
  4. This is code isnt new or anything but i tried all the packes i could on the server i play Isogames, and it works perfectly: Anti-Target(Don't work at all servers) 48 72 AA FE FF 7F AB 03 00 E9 F1 FF FF 88 D4 00 00 00 00 00 00 Second anti-target(if the first don't work) 48 00 00 00 FF 7F AB 03 00 E9 F1 FF FF 88 D4 00 00 00 00 00 00 one or another works, what this packet does it it loads your char again on the same spot, like when you get laged and go back a few steps, screen goes black for about 1 sec and you'r back. I'ts really usefull on sieges when the enmy doenst see you but has range to hit you, you just press the key you bound this packet to, and he loses target. I've tried it with my 2 comps and it works jsut fine :D.
  5. Hey, im new to this site, i used Hlapex before on the server i play but only 1 or 2 stuff worked(stuff i found on really old websites). This post count thing how it works? i have to post new stuff? replies also count? etc etc, cause tehre are lots of stuff i cant even see :x thx in advance
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