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  1. Thanks you mcbigmac, thats a simple and concrete answer as i was looking for, tho, this i'm working on is already oriented to be not like l2, the only thing that lefts is to give it a try... certainly (IN MY OPINION) creating a stable well administrated server of the currently most recent released chronicle or any of the latests might not be worth due to NCSOFT made L2 to be a free-to-play, but anyway, thats what i think about that. Again, thanks for the answer.
  2. Yet i don't see anything that makes you a professional, neither anything your linked PS has that deserves to be taken seriously, you just came here to spam pointless shit without any idea of what you are talking about, tho, you are yet doing nothing here than any other brainless kiddo that had learned some shits watching some youtube videos does, as i said before, its pointless spending time talking to a closed-mind dude with the only intention to spam anyone's else thread, i do again thanks you for your answers but, please, keep out the spam from here.
  3. Again, i think you are way too wrong, specialy when talking about "professionals" and judging my knowledge without any idea about, tho, i'm currently finishing my Engineering career and working since 2 years ago for google creating apps, im maybe not an high skilled person when we talk about Java but yet its not a big deal since it is not a way too different to most programing languages, yet i dont see what makes you a "professional" and either what allows you to criticize someone by your unfounded conjectures. Anyway, thanks for your answers. Tho, im pretty sure you didn't even read the beginning of this topic nor read any of what i've mentioned above. Additionally i didn't even listed or show anything of what i'm doing, just gave some ideas of a yet unfinished project due to the reason that i made this thread, "What do you think people wants nowdays"?
  4. Where and when did i mentioned something about being pridelike? its you misunderstanding the point, its nothing similar to that and so, being a custom server does not means you will always be a pridelike, it is pointless to talk to someone with a closed mind who bases its opinion upon a copycat shit made to be play in one of the older chronicles... anyway, i thanks you for your answers, and please keep ip out of spam, i just want people to leave their opinions to know where to poit my project... EDIT: forgot to mention something, what is that make these guys being "professionals"? whats the point to compare my work to something that is just a copy of another already dead project? just dont missunderstand.
  5. as far as i see it, you may didn't noticed the part of "people getting tired of playing the same shit over and over again", additionaly, its been up to 4 years i've dealing with it working as hard and as much as i can to properly fit that i wanted to create, tho, its currently nothing bad related to people requiring to learn new stuff as there are yet the all already known stuff and classes (which may i have only changed a little to fit the server idea) and by the time passes, people will have their chance to check/test anything at their hands, and so play it or leave it depending of their style or interests... talking about the skills/effects/etc, i've started with it on the release of H5 client, i have certainly changed a lot related to the game mechanics (if these even exists) and so, it became necessary to add some new stuff, as there are a lot of useless classes which i wanted to center people atention on, and so, there are yet (as you said) a lot of stuff may i have to work on, but thats the point of this, creating something awesome that make people want to play until they die (again lol). Anyway, thanks for your answers.
  6. Well, i've made some change to the game camera, and put around 5 months of working in a proper way to allow characters to use "skillshots" (meaning skillshot is an ability that can be used upon objectives in a position without necesarily being targeted); New classes; obviously tons of customs that as i mentioned above it will take a lot of time to list all of them; some own-made gear as some other known by most players, all of them with custom effects and abilities; about a year of really hard work about class balancing as there as i've mentioned are new classes and additionaly some other have been remade to fit the server idea; 6 new own-made events as additionally the most important of these most players knows; up to 14 own-made instances with respective objectives, restrictions and rewards, all of them oriented to the team-playing; a "refine" system which allow players to customize their items by adding effects/stats... dunno how much i can list at this moment, i'm not in my house and wont untill tomorrow so then i'll be able to post pics if necessary.
  7. Sup guys... By the start i want just to say something, its been a lot of years i've been playing L2 and found with it a lot of fun doing so, spending at the start around 2 years playing the official, then moved to PS and by the time gone, played a lot of high rated PS which slowly took out my interest (as i think it happened to most of you), luckily i found around 2007-8 L2Pride, which was certainly a really impresive thing i was not aware of, and so my interest to the game came back... sadly, playing for long 2-3 years, i saw how L2Pride died slowly (by its admins, by the community, or somehow it just became boring as any other monotonous PS does), by nearly 2010-11 i started to create my own stuff inspired by my experience in both playing and programing and (by some family related problems) it took to me up to 3-4 years and a little more... The point of this is that nowdays i have finally (or almost) finished with it, certainly it is not far likely the normal game everybody knows (its even diferent to any shit and i know most fags will start spamming bullshits like -. "Another L2Pride copycat", or some similar shits but its not.), I have even modified most aspects of the client including the addition of "skillshot performing" (which im yet working on) as tons of other stuff i can not really list since it will take a lot of time, however, in the last weeks i came here to take a look and found some posts related to L2Pride being closed because of dataloss or something similar, which certainly i'm sorry of, but lets be honest, it has not much more time to stay alive, as since i've stop playing it already had lost a lot of player due to the lack of original new content and some other things that happened, anyway, atm i have a doubt about some aspects of my project and if it is worth it to finish this and put it on, additionally, i'm not a person who can afford to pay for a hosting service by my own, so it will be necessary to have donations. The prime objective of this is to hear your opinions and see what you guys think people wants nowdays, additionally i can provide with images if necessary or any other info you want to know about everything i'm doing. Regards, and thanks in advance.
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