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About Vasilis69

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  1. >>0,015 cent of euro for 1m adena<<
  2. >>0,023 cent of euro for 1m adena<< Αdena price updated. p.s.: 5 bill of stock left p.s.2: i still have mats to craft on request S or A items
  3. LAST EPICS AVALAIBLE: antharas/tezza/zaken/orfen/core available only atm. all others sold
  4. >>0,03 cent of euro for 1m adena<< Αdena price updated. p.s.: not a lot of stock left p.s.2: i still have mats to craft on request S or A items
  5. >>0,05 cent of euro for 1m adena<< Αdena price updated
  6. Χέρι χέρι Αθήνα 5άδα epics της επιλογής σας. Pm me for more info.
  7. bump! προτιμώ χέρι χέρι Αθήνα για να υπάρχει αξιοπιστία και από τις δύο πλευρές.
  8. WTS donation coins/adena/weapons/armors/epics with or without S.A., by request. Also we can do power leveling, characters 80lvl nobless or non nobless. >>0,015 cent of euro for 1m adena<< For more info, for items request, send a pm here. I am trusted seller. payments via paypal ή χέρι χέρι στην Αθήνα.
  9. poso ta 100m adena? koita ta pm s
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