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Posts posted by gamerMisfitz1

  1. Thank you for the good words guys.

    To make it more clear, we wanted to open a server where you could enjoy L2, not just simple pvp. But because my expectations were too big for the current L2 community, we obviously failed.

    Most of the ppl that joined our server didn't even know where to farm at lvl 20, or how to buff themselves.


    Since this is what L2 is now, this is what we will give then. Our server will get wiped and changed to your requests.

    Blame the newbies is acceptable but the most part of the fault is yours. 1 admin and 2 event GM that you found them last day ?? Seriously? Adena drop was stupid according to armor/weapon prices as well. Crappy items droppin by each mob and invetory goes full by books it was newbie fault as well?No , it was your fault.


    Dear players,


    We have added a new patch.

    You MUST download this and login, the old patch is not working anymore.


    New patch contains Anti-Bot Lameguard!

    If you try to login with bot or try to bypass it, you will get instant ban of your game account!



    Download New Patch


    so the old players that already have +10 + armors /weapons cuz of BOT , wont loose their items, while new players will have hard time to catch them up. lol

  3. Just joined l2loyal... no many people on it so far . buffs are not up to 24 and it doesnt have on buffer cov/magnus ets....its has nothing to do with what Admin say at the top of the post. Also bugged mobs especially at cemetary , hitting you by underground and cant target them. 

  4. No personal attack to Stacy , but the server doesnt worth at all. Admin has given to his friends +16 for free and he is doing favors to other friends of him. He is not friendly at all and if you say something you dont like  , he will jail or even ban you and you cant contact with him again. Also there are 400+ ppl on the server but trust me , 300 of them are bots farming seals for AA so they can buy armors and enchants. No protection from bots at all . All what i wanted to say is dont waste your time in this server.

  5. I am looking for a new server with :


    -Pref c6 ( but i can play other chron too)


    -x50 - x 150


    - No custom weapons/armors


    -No crafted A/S grade


    -Balance classes


    -Good pvp !!


    -Good community


    -Not much farm 


    -[Not many donators , to ruin my fun:P]



    Thanks in advance.

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