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Posts posted by Mr.S

  1. but if thor has olf shirt gm doesn't ban him? i remember someone using the excuse that thor had it with event so this olf shirt really exist, stop saying bullshit pls and trust me that wasn't photoshop :D


    Dude, stop being such a liar. GM didn't ban Thor bcoz the image was edited, one of my mates even re-edited it and put other icon instead of olf, is it possible.


    Most ppl in server trust the GM bcoz in last 5 years he proved to be honest. 


    Im still waiting for legendkay to upload picture so i can re-edit it and show you all is it possible.


    Just so you know, Thor is my enemy in server, for me is a fken noob so I'm not defending him. Im just telling legendkay and co to stop being butthurted ppl and spreading shit.


    TRUST ME I know GM for 5+ years, he is most honest dude you can find in l2.



    From my part this discussion is over, I gave all the possible explanations. Is useless keep replying to ppl who lie just bcoz they botted and got kicked. Next time play fair.


    If somebody is looking for a good, honest and stable server with l2official files then join l2euro.com


    Try by your self, dont let these nabs confuse you.

  2. was just a gm char with olf shirt (impossibile to take in game and no donatable even with "secret donation")

    i'm atm too much bored to find it and re-upload it

    however euro was looking to me like the perfect server too bad corruption is arounder the corner


    It was proven that picture was pure Photoshop.


    One player even upload new picture with a flame instead of such olf shirt.


    Legendkay just another butthurt player who bots and then emo quit trying to make server fall.


    You can even check old server with same admin with 0 corruption, never a post in forum or complain in game about corruption.



    PS: let me remind you GM bans botting. He even banned a donator who farmed his life and had vesper pole +15 and oe set.


    PSS: stop being "bored" and get the picture so I show how that "olf shirt" can be manipulated and replaced by any l2 icon using photoshop.


    If you bot u eat ban, deal with it.

  3. Very good server, worth playing!!!


    Legenkay and his friends went emo after gm banned them for botting, so they edited a picture in order to make server look corrupted!


    I know the gm for almost 6 years, one of the most honest ppl on earth.



    L2euro is a breath of fresh air to lineage 2 community. I know is 2015 and many are tired of starting over and over again in bugged/corrupted/op donations servers but here is the right place for investing your time and feeling safe about none fcking your work!


    Everything works as intended, donations are hard to obtain bcoz bosses need to be killed many times before items are for sale and there is that extra stuff like vitality potions and npc with basic buff to help newbies exp faster.



    There are many clans lf new ppl and willing to help them so give l2euro.eu a try!

  4. I have some thoughts in mind I would like to share.


    I think everybody has the right to keep their actual location hidden, is something personal. So I totally dislike the idea.


    Is it possible to make a non nation clan?


    Also, most of these servers nowadays are full of Latinos, Brasil clan will have like 100+ members lol, so bad idea.



    The farm areas are nice but there are too many graphics involved, it will get really laggy for most people when the whole server will be trying to farm.



    From my POV is a bad idea tho it might be very well developed. A pity.



    Maybe you could think about something similar but regarding races, like elves clan vs dark elves vs orc vs humans. Giving kamaels the chance to join wherever they want.



    I guess karasu can sleep tight tonight, player won't leave his servidorki after all xaxa

  5. Karasu you are the owner of this server, you little lier. If you cant even admit it, you don't deserve to be trusted. 


    I logged for 10 mins and you deleted my character after I said "Karasu, pay the internet"


    GG, what a fail.

  6. im gonna laugh for an entire week at this post, thank you for this nice happy year gift of laugh!


    You know nothing about me

    And you think empire is the good guy


    The only guy i respect and the real owner of servers with my features is l2 rapidus owner so all credits goes to him for the inspiration! thanks to him i could get here cuz he motivated me to do something childish "do l2 servers for kids" like you.


    Every thing i do is with a good reason and i have no reason to ruin someone business because i dont envy anyone! i wont bother explain you anyway!


    Thanks for sharing your life story with us mate.

    Gl with your server, you will need it.

  7. ok empire bot whatever you say

    il stick with my 250-300 real players that like my "disbalance in inglish"  and farm nothing, just pvp


    go farm with ur gm power & other 50 friends on empire and enjoy


    words mean nothing, action & facts are the true things you can prove someone wrong! 

    now go back to interlude or something, hi5 is not for you cuz u already prooved everything to us!


    I'm not an "Empire bot", I haven't played there yet!


    Your " 250 - 300 real players" are waiting for L2Empire to open!! They even speak about it in your own forum!

    Everybody can check the vote history in the advertisement sites, none even voted your server, max 100 people, yesterday just 37...


    Just for letting you know. Disbalance is an English word accepted by the Oxford English Dictionary, it means to "disturb the balance".

    It is usually found in old literature.


    Time will tell if L2Empire is a success or not.

  8. Hello people.


    I'm new to the site, I've joined looking for some stuff, including a good server to play!


    As someone who played L2 off and now is just a casual player (looking for a good pvp server), I must say I really like the features L2Empire is offering.


    Is something new, I have never seen something like that before.


    The Bounty system looks promising, it gives another motive to the players for staying in the pvp area, and that's all what matters!!



    I think some people should take in mind the ideas of L2Empire's developer instead of flaming...


    And, just for letting you know @Karasu, I've played your server and I didn't like it, too much disbalance and there is nothing to do, just pvp all over again. Also, the server is full of people using PvPsuite.... so who bots better wins.



    So, for sure I ll be there with my clan! Wish you the best L2Empire!

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