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Posts posted by ICON

  1. Imposable you can't make your computer think its x64 and if even by the slightest possibility you could, Do you really wanna trust the stability. common Sense would tell you this is a really dumb Idea just cause you can't afford a new cpu and motherboard and prolly ram as well. If your really bent on running a l2 server most likely from your home and DSL Line there is a c4 32*bit out somewhere. Or use l2java. I just feel your whole idea is just bad tho. Home iNet servers Really suck and java servers are not much better.

  2. Hi The Infernol2 team is looking for a few type of people to join our ever so growing team.


    In search of:

    Client editors

    AI editors




    Must Speak English Decent

    Must Be able to Use Ventrillo

    Must Have experience in Developing L2Off/Client Editing

    Serious People Aply Only thank you.


    Now about us..


    Inferno l2 is based on the battle of heaven and hell, Our server is looking to move in the direction of a very custom server. We need people who are interested in creating very custom server items, Raids, Events, ect.


    We have some ideas in mined we would like to do as in recreate the 7 Signs system to be based off heaven Side and Hell Side, And add custom Features that run off that system. And so much more. We personally want to take our server from one level and and move it to a level thats not been done yet.

    Yes i know this sounds complicated and alot of things we want mite not be possible but hell we wanna see how far we can take this. All to often I have seen l2 servers one after another all the same. What makes them good or not is the community well I want what makes us great is what we can offer the player. If i post all what we want to do i'll be typing all day, Also will give all my ideas away .. And we want to be different.


    Anyways as of right now we run Interlude client C5 system folder we have full Interlude Geos C5/Interlude Scripts Thanks to Pyro and L2 Synergys help on our scripts. I'm a sole coder for what we have, I have already coded in the dynasty items Mordor Epic Custom Raids {Currently Adding Dual Spell Books and Dual Daggers and a few dual Dynasty weapons} Also my graphics guy is texturing some new armor. And you may ask what did i code well 90% of the releases around here are for interlude and since i have C5 system I coded it for My system Folder. and i Write all my own item Data/Skill Data what i did not have to start with. Anyways I told you i would be here all Day.

    Enough with my ranting..


    If your Interested in checking us out, Contact me Via:

    MSN / E-mail


    My Forums


    Or Msg me here on PP


    Thank you for your time and sorry if I carried on just want you to know what you may or may not wanna apply for.





  3. Yes we are very new Server I spent more time working on the server before opening it.

    In thus to make a much better server to bring to the players.


    Some of the special stuff we have done...


    9 Custom Raid Bosses {Drop War Rations}

    Custom Armor Purchasable from Gm Shop with war rations {Apella Texture Better stats than Top S grade}

    Event Weapons {same as above}

    Our server is based on the battle between heaven and hell.

    In thus we have weapons and armors that are based for each Side.


    The main thing to get our server Hopping is advertising.. Currently working on that.


  4. banner1.jpg

    Inferno l2 Off Interlude Server, One of the Most Custom Servers Out and still Building.

    Come join Us and enter the battle of hell.


    Webpage: http://www.infernol2.net


    Server System

    - L2OFF IL




    Xp = 45x.

    Sp = 45x.

    Adena = 300x.

    Drop = 10x.

    Spoil = 5x.



    - NPC Buffer

    - AutoLearn Skills

    - GMShops

    - Classmaster

    - SubClass without Quest

    - No Spellbooks need it to learn skills

    - Global GK in Main GateKeeper



    - 3rd job

    - Class balance

    - Skills

    - Castle sieges

    - Clanhalls

    - Areas

    - Mobs

    - Seven Signs

    - Items

    - 100% working quests

    - Subclass

    - Nobless

    - Hero

    - Olympiad

    - Cursed weapon Zariche

    - New Clan system

    - Skills

    - Castle sieges

    - Clanhalls

    - Areas

    - Mobs

    - Items

    - Crown Skills

    - Skills

    - Weapons

    - Weapons SA

    - Hair Accessories

    - Primeval Isle

    - EventMatches

    - Fishing

    - Seven Signs

    - 2 Hour Buffs

    - Full Grown Pets

    - Dimension Stones @ Npc



    - Armors



    --Driffter {Event Armor}

    - Weapons

    --Dark Power Weapons

    --All Mighty Weapons

    --Apollyon Weapons

    --Adding Dual Weapons

    ---Daggers,Spell Books,Ect

    - Hair Accessories

    --Multi Custom Hair items

    -Custom 9 Raid Bosses

    --All Custom Raid's Drop War Rations used to buy Event Items

    -Noble Crown Gives 5% Casting 5% Atk Speed Boost


    More custom features

    - GMshops

    - Class change quest items sold in GMShop

    - Steps to keep economy balanced

    - Enhanced PvP/PvE experience

    - Classes more balanced to enhance player PvP experience

    - Raid Events!

    - Intelligent 99% working AI for mobs and raid bosses

    - Weekly Events!

    - Hunter village as combat zone

    - Mammon traders

    -Custom Shoping Center

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