SERVER WIPED AND OPEN 03.12.2014 18:00
INFORMATIONS RATES * Experience: 5000x * Skill Points: 5000x * Adena Drop: 1000x * Item Drop 10x ENCHANT * Safe Enchant : +5 * Weapon Max Enchant : +14 * Armor Max Enchant : +14 * Jewels Max Enchant : +14 * With Cystal Max: +16 * Normal Scroll - 75% * Blessed Scroll - 95% (In gm shop with Farm Items) * Crystal Scroll - 80% (Drop from custom RB and in gm shop with Vote Items) AUGMENT RATES * Mid Grade Life Stone : 8%. * High Grade Life Stone : 15%. * Top Grade Life Stone : 25%. * You can have 1 Active - 1 Passive Skill. SERVER FEATURES * Auto-Learn Skills * Balanced Classes * Wedding System * Clan Hall System * Castle Siege System * No Weight Penalty * No Grade Penalty * New character start with 500kk adena * Sub-Class Without Quest * Hero System * Duel System * Geodata, fully working * Npc Buffer(1H buff time)50 Buff slots * D.Buff Sheald * No Clan Penalty * PvP Information * PK Information * Top PK Announce Login * Top PVP Announce Login * Hero Announce Login * Raid Boss Announce * Global Chat: 500 PvP * Trade Chat: 100 PvP * PvP Reward: 1 PvP Items * Augmentation System * Max Subclasses = 10 * Max Subclass level = 80 * Max Alliances = 3 * Fully DDoS Protection * Main Town in Giran * Custom Start Zone - Giran * Retail-Like Enchant Skills System * C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills * Interlude Skills 90% Working * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations * Unstuck Command 15 seconds CUSTOM COINS * Event Medals Reward * Farm Coins Reward * Vote Medals Reward * Nobblesse Coin * Recoments Coin * Clan Rep Coin[3000] * Clan Items *From Boss. Drop x3 EXTRA EDIT * Absolute Tattoo - 10% CP/MP/HP * Quake / Killing Spree System CUSTOM NPC * Custom Buffer * Global Gatekeeper * GM Shop * Class Manager * Weding Manager * Top Players List NPC Info * About Server NPC Info * NPC Vote Reward Manager * Siege Manager * Skill Enchanter * Boss Manager * Custom Augumenter * Siege Manager * Skill Enchanter * Symbol Maker * Clan Manager * Clan Hall Manager * Whare House * Password Manager * Casino Manager * Report Manager SERVER CUSTOM COMMAND'S * .online * .menu * .ctfjoin * .ctfleave * .tvtjoin * .tvtleave CUSTOM ZONES * Custom Farm Zones x3 Drop: 20 Farm Coins * Custom PvP Zone x1 * Custom Boss Zone x6 Drop: (in Game) OLYMPIAD INFORMATIONS * Retail olympiad game. * You need 50 pvps so you can play olympiad matches. * Olympiad List updated after every match. * Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match. * Olympiad Period 1 week [ Every Sunday ] [ Starts 18:00 | Ends 00:00 ]. * Olympiad work 100% without feed. SERVER EVENTS * TVT event [12:00 15:00 17:00 20:00 23:00] * CTF event [13:00 16:00 19:00 21:00 24:00] * DM event [11:00 14:00 18:00 22:00] Full DDoS Protection If you wish to discover a new kind of gaming with a competent and experimented staff , join us , you wont regret it