Hi i played a lot swtor and i left it for months,now i want to sell my account. I'm selling an account with 3 chars 55:Sentinel(chiss),Scoundrel(cathar),Sage(human). Account has legacy lvl 48,some unlocks.
Server ToFN. Main char- Sentinel has: -Equip pvp rating 154/156/158 augmented -Equip pve rating full 168 augmented -LightSabers are 2 volatile with 2 White color crystals -Tons of pets and mounts -Treek and Hk-51 -Some companions are good geared -A lot of special/rare items -Some rare style gears in cargo hold,color crystals -Very cool white outfit -A lot of titles -Unlocked 2 additional skill bars,unify color -200k credits -A lot of datacrons -Diplomacy,Biochem,Bioanalysis 450/450 -Alignment Light V -Valor 84 Scoundrel(healer) has: -Equip pvp rating 154/156 augmented -White color crystal on main Pistol -Very cool white outfit -Got Treek companion -Unlocked 2 additional skill bars,unify color -Valor 63 Sage(healer) has: -Equip pvp rating 154/156 augmented main hand rating 158 -Valor 76 -Very cool white grey helix outfit -White eyes -Unlocked 2 additional skill bars,unify color and hide head slot I'm still doing 1.5M++ healing with the sage. I accept offers,paypal only. If interested PM me, i have skype. I can send you every screenshot you want.