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Posts posted by Dragonforce89

  1. That happened to me. When u open the enchant window, see that u have two items of the same that u are trying to enchant. First click on the "real" item, then send packets. To know wich is the real item, not the ghost, just use it, put it on; that will appear the last item in the enchant window.


    Hope u understand my poor english.




    =/ I just tried this, it doesn't help, my SB crystalized at +14


    haha so you finally found the exploit ...


    i just told the admin at my server about it after quitting l2.

    it works 100% on every l2j server you just need to change small things.


    Then you can maybe tell me how to stop it from crystalizing sometimes?

  2. WTF, this is annoying, it worked twice to +25 and now it works and works and i keep doing it, then i get to around +10 and somehow it fails and i get crystals instead :<


    Also, I need like 50 enchant scrolls to make it to +16 as it says inappropiate conditions like 60% of all enchants :S but then it works sometimes, any idea if I can bypass this? it takes lots of time.

  3. hi guys i was playing in new age server i saw a man have superhaste skill also it was from rus i ask him man how u do this i ask him if this hlapex but he say me no i ask him if is  a new hacking tool and he said me yes next i started not beleved him and then he do a char and was killing me with 1 lvl char lol ???? i don't know what to say xD


    Most likely GM

  4. I saw one guy who had AM (arcana mace) + 0 and he wanted to enchant it to +40, enchant rate is 55%, he enchanted it to + 40 I think he used a script or something, he just duped that am, so if one am breaks at + 6 there will be still a lot +6's etc. so my question is, anyone here know pascal, java etc? who could write a script like this one? or who can help me with it.Send me a PM.


    I think I know what he's doing, this however is a very old exploit, only works on very few servers.


    1. You go to a soulshot vendor and double click on soulshots, then when you select how many soulshots to buy.

    2. Go to the weapon shop and double click the weapon, then your l2 will jump back to the soulshot-amount-screen.

    3. Select how many weapons/armor you want in that slot that you feel safe you will make it to +25 or w/e is max on your server

    4. Press OK and you will have to pay for the items, BUT they will all be in 1 item slot so when 1 d/e that other 20 are still left in the same item slot, with the + enchants.


    This might seem a bit confusing but....it seems like the thing you described.

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