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About DiscoBoy

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  1. what?
  2. This server sux
  3. I am shutting down the server cause i will move to a datacenter.
  4. Is boring to write down all that and most people dont know how so take that ad copy paste this into the config. http://rapidshare.com/files/66928641/1_hour_buffs.rar
  5. [server Info] exp:5000x sp:5000x adena:8000x Max enchant +20 Enchant Rate:75% Normal Scrolls have 75% rate Crystal Scrolls have 90% rate and you drop them from Bloody Queens on Dragon Valley and FG. Blessed Scrolls Have 85% rate and you can find them on Aligator island (ATTENTION)Drops are Hard. Tha Farming Areas are also PvP/PK areas but pk on spawn points is not allowded anyway there are spawn Guards there. You can also lvl up your clan easy to lvl 8 and obtain clan skills easy too. No Grade Penaltys No Clan Penaltys No Weight Limit GM Shop Lux GK NPC Buffer Unlimited Buff Bars And More... Forum: http://l2gaming.freeforums.org/index.php Patch: http://rapidshare.com/files/66461441/L2__Fire__Patch.rar Accounts are autocreate. FOR THE 1ST WEEK EVERYBODY STARTS 80 LVL XD
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