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  1. GRAND OPENING: 2015/03/21 17:00 +2 GMT http://www.l2x45.com Server Rates Xp / Sp - x45 Aden - x35 Drop - x30 Spoil - x30 Quest Reward - x5 (Not for all) Quest Drop - x10 (Not for all) Raidboss Drop - x15 Rate party XP - 1.5x Olympiad Olympiad Starts 18:00 (+2 GMT) Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (+2 GMT) Hero Changes: Every Sunday 24:00 (+2 GMT) Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes Enchantment Rates: Max Enchant (Weapon / Armor): +16 Max Enchant (Jewelery): +8 Safe Enchant: +4 Simple Scroll: 58% Blessed Scroll: 68% Raid/Epic Bosses spawn: Antharas 96 + 1 Hours Valakas 168 + 1 Hours Baium 72 + 1 Hours Zaken 48 + 1 Hours Ant Queen 24 + 1 Hours Orfen 20 + 1 Hours Core 33 + 1 Hours Frintezza 48 + 1 Hours Barakiel 5 + 0.5 Hours Varka's Hero Shadith 12 + 1 Hours Varka's Commander Mos 12 + 1 Hours Ketra's Hero Hekaton 12 + 1 Hours Ketra's Commander Tayr 12 + 1 Hours Other RaidBoss 12 + 12 Hours Additional Information: Auto registration Rank skill group system. more info ->>> http://www.l2x45.com/ranks/ Achievements with rewards! more info ->>> http://www.l2x45.com/ranks/achievements/ All A/S Raidbosses 70% drops 1 full A/S item! Free subclass change Auto learn Skills Treasure map in website with event item location NPC Scheme Buffer (2h buff time) 24+4 Buff slot 7S Teleporter + Primeval Isle GM Shop up to B-Grade + GM shop also you can found in some hunting places Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Offline shop from 20 lvl (Sit and press exit) GrandBoss PvP zones: Valakas, Antharas, Baium (TOI 13 floor), Ant Queen, Frintezza Added anti-bot protection (against hlapex, tower, walker, etc) Server protected against DDoS Added newest geodata Server voice command: .menu - stop/start Exp, etc .bot - Report about possible boting player (target and use .bot command) .ach - Achievement information .setxprate [number] - You can change your xp rate from 0 to 45 .tvtjoin/.tvtleave - TvT event commands Achievement information about rewards and progress and scheme buffer with add/rem buttons: http://www.l2x45.com GRAND OPENING: 2015/03/21 17:00 +2 GMT
  2. As you can already see from the name of the server it’s rates are x45. Any other standard information you can find at our web page http://L2x45.com/ We would like to present a few innovations developed by our own: 1. Achievement system: For making the game more interesting we created achievement system. For every accomplished achievement you get a reward. The harder the task the better the greater the reward is and the other way around. After you have done the achievement you can’t repeat it. For example: 20 LvL — Reward: 0.5 kk Adena 40 LvL — Reward: 2.5 kk Adena Elf Killer — Reward: 10 Event Medal Monster cleaner — Reward: 40 Event Medal King of PVP — Reward: 50 FA God of PVP — Reward: 100 FA Enchant weapon A+5 — Reward: 2 Enchant weapon A Enchant weapon A+10 — Reward: 1 Blessed Enchant weapon A Icons of Achievements below: Achievements P.S. You are free to tell us your ideas for new Achievements. 2. Rank system: We were trying to find the right way to rank a players level and we found it! We are using ELO rating formula http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system. How it works: A Player reaching 76 LvL has to win 20PvP points to be automatically enlisted to a Ranking system. After completing this task Player is put to “SILVER I” group and is given 1500 points. From this moment he can raise his Rank position by wining against other Ranked players and getting a portion of they’re points. BUT to gain Rank points player has to defeat a higher or same rank player, because winning against a lower rank will give less or even no points. You can find out a players rank is by looking at his nick color. Also we’ve created 4 separate zones where only same rank players can combat each other and one public (everybody’s loved Hot Springs). Rank position table: Rank table Rank TP: Gatekeeper 3. Web page games: We’ve created 3 games at our web page where by playing them you can win prizes. Web page games 3.1. Treasure map: A prize will be hidden in game and it will be displayed at a map. The first player to find the prize wins it. 3.2. Quiz Game: A simple guessing type game with questions about L2. Everyday three players that answered the most questions will win prizes. At the moment there are about 150 questions and we are asking you guys to help us to find more questions for the game. 3.3. Non-Stop: An easy game where you only need to stay online as long as possible. At a random time you will be asked to enter a given CAPTCHA code and the player that stays on for a longest period of time wins the prize. ------------------------------- Also at our web page we have direct HERO Voice and a direct market where you can check the lowest price of shots(or other items) in game! We have a forum where you can chat with a friendly crew and help us create a better server. We are waiting for your ideas at l2x45.com forum. ------------------------------- Server rates: XP x45 SP x45 Party XP/SP x1.5 Adena x35 Drop x30 Spoil x30 Quest drop x10 Quest reward x5 RaidBoss Adena x15 RaidBoss Drop x15 Enchant rates: Enchant Max: +16 Enchant Safe: +4 Simple Enchant Rates: 58% Bessed Enchant Rates: 68% Augmentation chance: NG skill: 2% Mid skill: 6% High skill: 15% Top skill: 25% Additional: No-auto registration, please create account in web Rank skill group system. (Players from 76lvl and more than 20 pvp) Achievements with rewards PvP Rank zones Treasure map in website with event item location All game market registered in website Hero chat in website NPC Buffer (1.5h buff time) 24+4 Buff slot 7S Teleporter + Primeval Isle Shop with B grade items Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Offline shop from 20 lvl Raid/Epic Bosses Spawn: Antharas 96 + 1 Hours Valakas 168 + 1 Hours Baium 72 + 1 Hours Zaken 48 + 1 Hours Ant Queen 24 + 1 Hours Orfen 20 + 1 Hours Core 33 + 1 Hours Frintezza 48 + 1 Hours Barakiel 5 + 0.5 Hours Varka's Hero Shadith 12 + 1 Hours Varka's Commander Mos 12 + 1 Hours Ketra's Hero Hekaton 12 + 1 Hours Ketra's Commander Tayr 12 + 1 Hours Other RaidBoss 12 + 12 Hours Grand Olympiad: Every week Start 18:00 – 24:00 Heroes Change: Every Monday Validation period: 24h ------------------------------- Server address: http://l2x45.com/ Registration address: http://l2x45.com/account/signup/
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