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  1. Thanks for your reply Darule. The bot does a good job (in different versions) for over four years now. And yes, my bot tries to make every single vote looking unique. Of course, if you make 5000 votes on one single day and the day before nothing you could get banned.
  2. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback!
  3. Hey guys, want to test the new version? With 5000 free credits? The bot is now up to 20 times faster then before. Sounds too good to be true huh? Contact me on Skype: gsmember Every toplist is supported!
  4. Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I am not selling captchas. And solved captchas does not mean votes. Also the price is very fair.
  5. Hi, thanks for your reply. Did you read "And many many more"? And yes, hopzone IS included. Want to give it a try? Contact me on Skype: gsmember Best regards
  6. The Bot has been updated. Contact me for a free trial! Every toplist!
  7. ENGLISH: Hello community, after many months of continued development I want to release my second Version of my votebot. Votebot is a very handy, yet powerful tool designed to automate the voting process on any ranking website, so called toplists. This bot works on any toplist, including: topliste.top - pserver.com xtremetop100.com www.runelocus.com topofgames.com minecraft-server.eu hopzone.net wowstatus.net And many many more... Features: Proxylist voting: Use your own proxylist Premium-Proxy voting: You don’t have to care about ip addresses anymore (*) Very secure and almost undetectable: You ranking is safe The bot works on any website If you use the Premium-Proxy you can set which country the votes should come from Multithreading: You can decide how many votes should be made simultaneously Very easy and handy to use You can adjust how many votes per hour are allowed Automated captcha solving algorithm Extended logging and premium support (by Skype or Email) Packages: The following credit-packages are currently available (the prices may vary): 1000 Credits 5000 Credits (-25%) 10000 Credits (-50%) 1000 Votes starting from 10€! You can request a free trial, starting with 100 Credits and enabled Premium-Proxy service. FOR FREE! Contact: Email (gsmember@hotmail.de) and Skype (gsmember) (*) Premium-Proxy is a feature that will get working Proxyservers automatically. You won’t have to care about working proxyservers anymore =============================================== DEUTSCH: Hallo community, nach mehreren Monaten Entwicklungszeit möchte ich die zweite Version meines Votebots veröffentlichen. Dieser Votebot ist sehr kompakt, sehr schnell und benötigt sehr wenig Leistung. Er übernimmt automatisch den kompletten Votingprozess inklusive Captchaeingabe. This bot works on any toplist, including: topliste.top - pserver.com xtremetop100.com www.runelocus.com topofgames.com minecraft-server.eu hopzone.net wowstatus.net Und viele viele mehr... Features: Proxylist voting: Du kannst deine eigene Proxyliste verwenden oder... Premium-Proxy voting: ...du lässt den Bot selbstständig die IP wechseln (*) Sehr sicher: Die Chance gebannt zu werden ist sehr gering (wenn man es nicht übertreibt!) Der Bot funktioniert auf jeder Topliste Multithreading: Du entscheidest wieviele Votes gleichzeitig gemacht werden Sehr einfach zu benutzen Du legst fest wieviele Votes pro Stunde gemacht werden sollen Captchas werden vom Bot selbstständig gelöst Premium support (Skype oder Email) Rabattpakete: Folgende Pakte sind verfügbar (die Preise könnten nachträglich angepasst werden): 1000 Credits 5000 Credits (-25%) 10000 Credits (-50%) 1000 Votes gibt es bereits ab 10€! Für eine Testversion mit 100 Credits kannst du mich jederzeit kontaktieren. GRATIS! Kontakt: Email (gsmember@hotmail.de) and Skype (gsmember) (*) Premium-Proxy ist eine feature das Proxyserver automatisch ermittelt und die IP wechselt. Du brauchst dich somit nicht mehr um funktionierende Proxyserver zu kümmern!
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