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Posts posted by LINEAGE2ND

  1. Hallo guys, I'm Using Fandc Emulator New Update from Fandc, but somefiles mybe is missing, i can pay you for fix this Voting Reward Hopzone/Topzone, Facebook Reward and Stream Reward. On the Source code is a Complete files Voting/Fb/Stream but i cant configuration this setting for game server always failed, Please Help me for fix this configuration, I can pay you $15 . Thanks you mybe someone can help my problem. ( 2 method mass Vote and command .getreward )
    Here We go The Pict :

    Sorry for my bad english














  2. Honestly am a big fan of L2jServer and what it stands for.

    But sadly, even before the DMCA shutdown, there where no significant updates.

    Not only that, but making a server out of the box, would result to failure.


    You will say, failure? Are you such a noob, you can't make a HighFive server?

    Well.. a year ago, a friend of mine, organised and runned a big server with over than 2000 online people, made from people that had previously worked on other servers.

    There where 6 developers, 2 client modders and 6 community administrators that where involved with the server.

    It has been years since that I had seen such a great and active community.


    What went bad? Why it failed?

    We had a two week closed Beta with about 20 testers, that reported everything working fine. So we went live...

    Since that day, with 2000 people online, there was not a day passing by, without a bug been reported to us!

    We even got a couple extra developers to assist in fixing the files, but bug reports where literally storming us.

    Basic stuff working on L2jServer Gracia/Freya branch where totally screwed!


    So... yes... failure!


    I am cooking up some HighFive files... based on those files...

    Removing other peoples work from them. Syncing some changes I made on my GoD project.


    You will say, why on earth would we want some files that where proven to be that bad?

    Why? Because they are better compared to the latest L2jServer files.  ;D


    Stay tuned...

    i'm waiting for mobius next project :)

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