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About Maniac7

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Ok then i'll try that 2010 i found and i'll let u know
  2. Hello MaxCheaters's World...I was referred to this Lineage 2 Forum through other peoples...And they told that u can help me out...So i have a question(after i searched 99% of forum) Is there any recently guide about how to make my own L2 Interlude Server?The latest guide was 5 years ago...Any help would be rly helpfull :)
  3. Yeah i suggest not to play cause even they advertise the non-corrupt L2Project is totally corrupted
  4. www.l2deathwhisper.net the most unhelpfull,boring staff ever...Only 2 clans are now live after 2 weeks when the server went live...1st clan had a clue that oly opens at 6 in the morning and closes after 6 hours while non other in the server knew it(imagine why)and the other clan has the 95% of the donators have "supported" the server...if u think to play at that non-corrupted server plz rethink...even i'm newbie i was playing there for 2 weeks when i realised somehow other clans had clues and the rest of 90% at the server hadnt...GGn
  5. Hello guys...I'm trying to use an augument script for Interlude server...Once it worked and after that it just doesnt work any more...Can any1 help me and tell me what i do wrong or how i must start the whole thing so it can work 100% every time?Thnks This is the script and i am running it with L2 PacketHack by xkor 3.1.8 const Name='Trainer'; // character ItemID=7577; // item id LifeID=8752; // lifestone id GemsID=2131; // gemstone id GemsAmount=25; //gemstone amount max=8000; // max amount of gemstones var LifeBase:array[1..max] of integer; ColvoLife,ColvoGems,Life,Item,Gems,SocialID,augid:integer; procedure Init; var i:integer; begin buf:=hstr('0F'); SendToServerEx(Name); end; procedure Free; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to max do LifeBase:=0; end; function StrToHex(packet: string):string; var i:integer; tmp:byte; function ByteToHex(b: byte): Char; begin if b<10 then result:=chr(b+$30) else result:=chr(b+$37); end; begin result:=''; for i:=1 to length(packet) do begin tmp:=ord(packet) div 16; result:=result+ByteToHex(tmp); tmp:=ord(packet) - tmp*16; result:=result+ByteToHex(tmp)+' '; end; end; function inttohex(n:integer):string; var i:integer; t:string; a:array[0..15] of char; begin a[0]:='0'; a[1]:='1'; a[2]:='2'; a[3]:='3'; a[4]:='4'; a[5]:='5'; a[6]:='6'; a[7]:='7'; a[8]:='8'; a[9]:='9'; a[10]:='A'; a[11]:='B'; a[12]:='C'; a[13]:='D'; a[14]:='E'; a[15]:='F'; result:=''; t:=''; i:=0; while n<>0 do begin if (i mod 2=0)and(i>0) then begin result:=result+t+' '; t:=''; end; t:=a[n mod 16]+t; n:=n div 16; inc(i); end; result:=result+t; end; procedure Say; var i:integer; s:string; begin s:='<tr><td>LS='+inttostr(ColvoLife)+' (*'+inttostr(GemsAmount)+'='+inttostr(ColvoLife*GemsAmount)+')</td></tr>'; s:=s+'<tr><td>Gems='+inttostr(ColvoGems)+' (/'+inttostr(GemsAmount)+'='+inttostr(ColvoGems div GemsAmount)+')</td></tr>'; s:=s+'<tr><td>---</td></tr>'; if Item=0 then s:=s+'<tr><td>No Weapon</td></tr>' else if augid>0 then s:=s+'<tr><td>Augmented ('+inttohex(augid)+')</td></tr>' else s:=s+'<tr><td>Not augmented</td></tr>'; buf:=hstr('0F 01 00 00 00'); WriteS('<html><body><br><table width=100%>'+s+'</table><br><br><br><br><br><br>'+ '"Social Yes" - Cancel Augment(if augmented) and Augment(if you have enough gems and LSs)<br>'+ '"Social No" - Show this help<br><br>'+ 'Sometimes client dont get packet InventoryUpdate and you see "Not augment" when weapon is augmented.'+ ' Simply press [Tab] twice or wear weapon.<br><br>'+ '</body></html>'); // '<br>'+strtohex(pck)+'</body></html>'); WriteD(0); SendToClientEx(Name); end; procedure CreateItemBase; var i,ss,j,ObjID,ItmID,ListCount,count,aug:integer; begin Item:=0; ss:=1; j:=4; ListCount:=ReadH(j); if ListCount>max then ListCount:=max; j:=8; for i:=1 to ListCount do begin ObjID:=ReadD(j); ItmID:=ReadD(j); Count:=ReadD(j); j:=j+14; aug:=ReadD(j); case ItmID of LifeID: begin LifeBase[ss]:=ObjID; inc(ss); end; ItemID: begin Item:=ObjID; augid:=aug; end; GemsID: begin Gems:=ObjID; ColvoGems:=Count; end; end; j:=j+6; end; ColvoLife:=ss-1; Say; end; procedure UpdateItemBase; var i,ii,j,ObjID,ItmID,ListCount,Count,UpdType,aug: integer; begin ListCount:=ReadH(2); j:=4; for i:=1 to ListCount do begin UpdType:=ReadH(j); j:=j+2; ObjID:=ReadD(j); ItmID:=ReadD(j); Count:=ReadD(j); j:=j+14; aug:=ReadD(j); case UpdType of 1:case ItmID of ItemID: begin Item:=ObjID; augid:=aug; end; LifeID: begin for ii:=1 to max do if LifeBase[ii]=0 then begin LifeBase[ii]:=ObjID; ColvoLife:=ColvoLife+1; break; end; end; GemsID: begin Gems:=ObjID; ColvoGems:=Count; end; end; 2:case ItmID of ItemID: begin Item:=ObjID; augid:=aug; end; GemsID: begin Gems:=ObjID; ColvoGems:=Count; end; end; 3:case ItmID of ItemID: Item:=0; GemsID: begin Gems:=ObjID; ColvoGems:=Count; end; LifeID: begin for ii:=1 to max do if LifeBase[ii]=ObjID then begin LifeBase[ii]:=0; ColvoLife:=ColvoLife-1; end; end; end; end; j:=j+6; end; Say; end; function GetNextLife: integer; var i:integer; begin Result:=-1; for i:=1 to max do begin if (LifeBase<>0) then begin Result:=LifeBase; exit; end; end; end; procedure Augment; begin buf:=hstr('D0 29 00'); WriteD(Item); SendToServerEx(Name); delay(100); buf:=hstr('D0 2A 00'); WriteD(Item); WriteD(Life); SendToServerEx(Name); delay(100); buf:=hstr('D0 2B 00'); WriteD(Item); WriteD(Life); WriteD(Gems); WriteD(GemsAmount); SendToServerEx(Name); delay(100); buf:=hstr('D0 2C 00'); WriteD(Item); WriteD(Life); WriteD(Gems); WriteD(GemsAmount); SendToServerEx(Name); end; procedure DisAugment; begin buf:=hstr('D0 2D 00'); WriteD(Item); SendToServerEx(Name); buf:=hstr('D0 2E 00'); WriteD(Item); SendToServerEx(Name); end; begin if pck='' then exit; if FromClient and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck[1]=#$1B) then begin SocialID:=ReadD(2); pck:=''; case SocialID of 7: begin buf:=hstr('A7 2A A0 00 00 80 84 1E 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); SendToServerEx(Name); buf:=hstr('A7 29 A0 00 00 40 0D 03 00 FA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); SendToServerEx(Name); exit; end; 6: begin if augid>0 then begin DisAugment; delay(300); end; Life:=GetNextLife; if (Life=-1)or(ColvoGems<GemsAmount)or(ColvoLife<1) then exit; Augment; exit; end; 5: begin Say; exit; end; end; end; if FromServer then case pck[1] of #$1B: CreateItemBase; #$27: UpdateItemBase; end; end.
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