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About DustMaker

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  1. Keep flaming all can visit our forums to read players what they say about all this. And server not have Apella btw just retail Armors/Weapons without any customs as i say in my Topic. Thank you for bump btw:)
  2. Hello everyone. L2 Dust server Grand Opening 11/7/2014 20:00 GMT+2 Recruiting Clans/Allys to join us! Feel free and play in Beta server to make your tests and be part in Grand Opening Events! For more info visit our website : http://l2dust.eu/ To read about Events visit our Forum : http://l2dust.eu/forum/index.php Don't miss it!
  3. Hello everyone and welcome to our topic. We are here to invite you to our Beta server! Feel free to visit our project and make your tests. We can promise ballanced game with unique event's full protected from Bots/Hacks and ddos attacks! Our server platform based 100% in premium files developed from our team to create an unique world for all of you! Grand Opening at 11/7/2014 20:00 GMT+2 (Don't miss it over 400 players expected!!!) Premium Antibot protection! Indivitual vote reward! Easy farm! Easy leveling! Solo/Party/Clan Instances! Casino Manager! Website : http://l2dust.eu/ Forum : http://l2dust.eu/forum/index.php
  4. http://l2dust.eu/ Brand New Server in 2 days Beta is running to make your tests!
  5. Jizz go flame somewhere else topic and you are too low to speak with me about developing.
  6. Benihime we tranfer grand opening date for because Topzone didn't add us in their Server list.They didn't approve us for 5 days and when i sent them mail then they approve us. If we were open the server in 1rst date who we planned to do without topzone and ony with hopzone the sure thing is we were fail (I mean without any advertising). Im not here to explain anything to nobody just i wanna give you unswer about your question. And something last Benihime when me and my team we was L2J Developers many didn't know the exist of Lineage2. So the link of your post "Actually fb games are much better than many servers in here,could be including urs."Disturbed me a lot!
  7. http://l2dust.eu/ Beta is ON VIsit us for mor Info.
  8. http://l2dust.eu/ Beta is Open! Soon Second server with x85 Rates will be Live.
  9. http://l2dust.eu/ Beta is On Grand Opening check in our website.
  10. http://l2dust.eu/ Beta is On free for tests for thoose who don't belive anything.
  11. http://l2dust.eu/ Wait for the Opening
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