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= H y p e R =

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Posts posted by = H y p e R =

  1. Hello guys we are happy to announce that [ DreamFancy ] Team successfully launched Pubg Cheat.
    Cheat Tested 3 months without any detection and ban.
    So our team started sales,if you are interested you can buy very cheap our cheat for this week.

    [ Price Only For This Week ]

    7 Days = 6 USD $
    15 Days = 8 USD $
    30 Days = 11 USD $

    [ Cheat Features ]

    Player ESP
    Friendly Fire
    Visible Check
    No Recoil
    Fov Circle
    Cross Hair
    Show Target Bone
    And Much More!

    [ Promo Trailer]


    [ Cheat Preview ]


    For More Information Please Join Our Discord Channel And Contact With Moderator's.
    Discord Link:https://discord.gg/UrTwg5g
    DreamFancy Website:http://dreamfancy.org/
    Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/dreamfancymaster/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARCFaNNLa4QuqZUHeqyKVGICh1ciAiTEPsJZl5sXC-M5kp4c636SmLT2lFmCS493xv8-0R1GsnAn4lDH&hc_ref=ARSWO3mOhbHB_1WKPYnW15-d7gq67O4P-RIFq49lRwUNlcwdjypeQ3aBuqVXwQOr8J4&fref=nf

  2. 11 hours ago, `NeverMore said:

    Their protection is really well structured if you ask me, and it would not be exaggeration to say that is one

    of best one's if not the best one considering lineage2 topsites. I believe they are using a combination of detecting methods, which means that by just changing account , ip and by deleting cookies you will achieve nothing. For example, today someone was trying to login to my account, and they were keep spamming my email with ->

    Hello NeverMore,
    We have detected a failed login attempt on your account.
    Matched forum members with same ip address:
    Vaclav Goryl
    IP address of the failed login attempt:

    Not only they are informing me that someone is trying to access my account, but as well they are revealing information about his IP and his possible alternative accounts. So i guess on their vote validation they should check the account's history data as well. 

    VMWare or any other Virtual Machine software will do the trick for sure, keeping in mind that the accounts you gonna use are CLEAN with no database records. 

    VMWare works i know but too many windows need to instal like 5-10 windows.. waste of time like another fast method.??..

  3. Hello guys, i wanna ask something with votes. i use vpn to vote hopzone/network works fine. i can vote many times. but topzone dont accept i have 2-3 accounts and i try to vote but dont work.. can tell me topzone vote what based? (mac address? HWID? IP? ) i change my mac and test again non happen.. i change my hwid again no work i change my ip again same.. help a bit pls.

  4. Hello every one i wanna sell one account at L2Miracle. Char is full +25 mage/fighter empower active passive tatto of dmg etc 10k pvps + clan with full clan skills.Also have accounts at L2Damage full.

    Add me to give full information.

    Skype: c1c0s

  5. ( Start 17/11/16 19:00 GMT +2 )


    Server Rates


    Xp: 2000x

    Sp: 2000x

    Drop: 1x

    Adena: 2000x


    Interlude PvP No Custom items server. Retail server with custom modifications.

    Enchantment Rates

    Safe: +3

    Max: +15

    Max with Crystal: +18

    Normal Scroll: 65%

    Blessed Scroll: 85%

    Crystal Scroll: 100%

    Olympiad Information

    Olympiad Starts: 18:00 

    Olympiad Ends: 00:00 

    Hero Changes: Every four days

    Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes


    Additional Information


     Client - Interlude.

     No Custom + Apella armor.

     Main town - Giran.

     Donate manager.

     Wedding system.

     Max buff slot - 60.

     Max SubClass - 3.

     Spawn potection 30s.

     RaidBoss 7.


     Increased movement speed on all classes

     Quake system.

     Auto Vote Reward System.

     Destroy SS/BSS.

     Auto TvT,CTF Event.

     Leave buff after death.

     Nick color: 100,300,500,700,1000 PvP.

     Title color: 50,100,200,350,500 PK.

     10 PvP- Hero aura.

     Anti Heavy System.

     GM shop.


     1 Active and 1 Passive.

     Duel systema.

     Online password change. 

     Interlude skill (90%).

     Sub classes without quest.

     Nobless without quest.

     Stackable scroll/ls.

     Npc Buffer.

     Buff time 9 hours.




     Tvt: .jointvt and .leavetvt

     Online: .online

     Heal: .buffs

  6. ( Start 17/11/16 19:00 GMT +2 )


    Server Rates


    Xp: 2000x

    Sp: 2000x

    Drop: 1x

    Adena: 2000x


    Interlude PvP No Custom items server. Retail server with custom modifications.

    Enchantment Rates

    Safe: +3

    Max: +15

    Max with Crystal: +18

    Normal Scroll: 65%

    Blessed Scroll: 85%

    Crystal Scroll: 100%

    Olympiad Information

    Olympiad Starts: 18:00 

    Olympiad Ends: 00:00 

    Hero Changes: Every four days

    Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes


    Additional Information


     Client - Interlude.

     No Custom + Apella armor.

     Main town - Giran.

     Donate manager.

     Wedding system.

     Max buff slot - 60.

     Max SubClass - 3.

     Spawn potection 30s.

     RaidBoss 7.


     Increased movement speed on all classes

     Quake system.

     Auto Vote Reward System.

     Destroy SS/BSS.

     Auto TvT,CTF Event.

     Leave buff after death.

     Nick color: 100,300,500,700,1000 PvP.

     Title color: 50,100,200,350,500 PK.

     10 PvP- Hero aura.

     Anti Heavy System.

     GM shop.


     1 Active and 1 Passive.

     Duel systema.

     Online password change. 

     Interlude skill (90%).

     Sub classes without quest.

     Nobless without quest.

     Stackable scroll/ls.

     Npc Buffer.

     Buff time 9 hours.




     Tvt: .jointvt and .leavetvt

     Online: .online

     Heal: .buffs

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