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About kingpt

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Misunderstanding? It's pretty explicit to everyone that you scammed us, it's funny how you ask for evidences and then when they are provided you just ignore them. You should, indeed, give up, because staff will not allow you to scam anyone else.
  2. Exactly
  3. It's called different zoom lol
  4. What part do you claim I twisted? The part of having a draft? Or the part that you don't deliver the website, of which we pay 30%? Let me guess, your next move is to claim that I used photoshop in these prints...
  5. This is funny how theengo lies to all of you, we agreed on a price (300€ as he said) for the WHOLE WEBSITE (it was supposed to have some complex coding in the inner pages) and he requested 30% (90€) of the price upfront paid via paypal as a gift, he didn't even send us any work and we paid the 90€, because he claimed to have "an over draft" on his bank. 1 day later he told us that he feels being underpaid so he's going to refund us 10€ out of 90€. If you don't want to work any longer that's up to you, but all you have to do is refund our money, not scamming it. Eventually, he sent me a file thru the Skype, which obviously I didn't accept not only because I don't do business with scammers, but also because we will need to hire a new coder and he will not use codes from some else, that he claimed to be the code for the homepage.
  6. You were banned for scamming. In fact, the moderator, who banned you, posted that in your market. It's funny how you claim not having a single complaint, when your market thread had at least 2 members reporting you as a scammer. I sent proofs to maxcheater's staff and they efficiently banned you. Next time, think twice before scamming anyone.
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