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Posts posted by Arsh

  1. As neky's said it's quite obviously possible - with small handy work.

    You'd have to make sure that none of them use the same ports, as conflicting traffic this way would probably cause alot of booms and cocks up.

    So interdaemon traffic is untouched from l2j to l2off, and that all client traffic is routed to the correct platform.



    If you want to share auth confidentially/database, youd have to write your own login daemon ,or heavily modify l2j/l2off ones.

    I'm quite sure there's some difference between interdaemon communication - and how it passes on socket information.

    But probably not too much of a difference - not that this matters since so little know the inner workings of both platforms ;)


    Information between client and gameserver, technicly should be the same no matter if its l2j or l2off.

    Yes but, if he is going to put across 2 logins, he wont be able to use the same client withouth changing at least the port on the ini's  ( so 2 different inis ) or with a self done launcher, or im wrong?

  2. Well my dear neyks,

    And so I put two servers on the same dedicated server, only it has the detail that one will L2J L2Off and the other two and that the system works on the same client, then I wonder if this is possible, as you already said is, then I would know how to configure the logins that at the time of login, the system appears on two servers for the player to choose which to enter, you know?

    Im not understanding what do you mean with " only it has the detail that one will L2J L2Off and the other two ", you are not explaing nothing,

    you want to run 2 l2off, 2 l2j, or 1 l2off and 1 l2j or what? and you say "one will be and the other two" so you are talking about 3 servers?

    anyway, i dont think that you can ran an authd and an l2j loginserver on the same host, them should go in conflict for the IP/Port's,

    either, if you can run them,i dont think that the client will work, cause he have to select on wich login he have to do the login,

    in this case you have to run them on different ports, so you cannot use the same system " to show 2 servers on the login " to do so, as neyks says,

    you have to add the support for the AuthD on the l2j gameserver core, other wise just run 2 l2j's or 2 l2off's with theyr right login servers.

    Anyway i can be wrong...

    Btw lol why you want to run an l2j + an l2off?

  3. Ok when i make some changes to the database like changing username (to offline player) or adding items (to offline player) if i want to see them in game i have to restart l2server and cached.


    Is there any way to see the changes without restarting the server each time?




    Thank you.

    If im not wrong, you cant change the names directly in the game, but for the item,

    you should be able to do it trought opening a port directly to the CacheD, so it can take the data and write them in real time.

    But i can be wrong, i have never tryed it.

  4. Name: Sandeagle


    Doubleposting and non sense posts ( i think about spam),

    here are some:




    http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164583.0;msg=1239538 | http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164583.0;msg=1239545


    http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=160495.0;msg=1198782 | http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=160495.0;msg=1230194


    Just see the last 2 links ( refere on the topic " [share] All my files over 5GB L2OFF Server Update Daily! " ) or the complete threads


    And there are lot more...



  5. you are not familiar with SQL


    USE [lin2world]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[lin_UpdateUserItem]    Script Date: 07/12/2010 07:32:31 ******/
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_UpdateUserItem]
    @char_id INT,
    @item_type INT,
    @amount INT,
    @enchant INT,
    @eroded INT,
    @bless INT,
    @ident INT,
    @wished tinyint,
    @warehouse INT,
    @item_id INT,
    @attack_attr_type   INT,
    @attack_attr_value    INT,
    @def_attr_fire    INT,
    @def_attr_water    INT,
    @def_attr_wind    INT,
    @def_attr_earth    INT,
    @def_attr_holy    INT,
    @def_attr_unholy    INT
    UPDATE user_item set char_id=@char_id, item_type=@item_type, amount=@amount, enchant=@enchant, eroded=@eroded, bless=@bless, ident=@ident, wished=@wished, warehouse=@warehouse,  attack_attr_type=@attack_attr_type, attack_attr_value=@attack_attr_value, def_attr_fire=@def_attr_fire, def_attr_water=@def_attr_water, def_attr_wind=@def_attr_wind, def_attr_earth=@def_attr_earth, def_attr_holy=@def_attr_holy, def_attr_unholy=@def_attr_unholy WHERE item_id=@item_id

    I dont get your point.

  6. very very thx man...^^


    user_item ??

    what about user_item?


    Edit: you mean the missing fields?


    here you go,

    ALTER TABLE user_item ADD
    [attack_attr_type] [tinyint] NOT NULL DEFAULT 254,
    [attack_attr_value] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    [def_attr_fire] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    [def_attr_water] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    [def_attr_wind] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    [def_attr_earth] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    [def_attr_holy] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    [def_attr_unholy] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
    ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_UpdateUserItem]
    @char_id	INT,
    @item_type	INT,
    @amount	INT,
    @enchant	INT,
    @eroded	INT,
    @bless		INT,
    @ident		INT,
    @wished	INT,
    @warehouse	INT,
    @item_id		INT,
    @attack_attr_type	TINYINT,
    @attack_attr_value	INT,
    @def_attr_fire	INT,
    @def_attr_water	INT,
    @def_attr_wind	INT,
    @def_attr_earth	INT,
    @def_attr_holy	INT,
    @def_attr_unholy	INT
    UPDATE user_item  set char_id=@char_id, item_type=@item_type, amount=@amount, enchant=@enchant, eroded=@eroded, bless=@bless, ident=@ident, wished=@wished, warehouse=@warehouse, attack_attr_type=@attack_attr_type, attack_attr_value=@attack_attr_value, def_attr_fire=@def_attr_fire, def_attr_water=@def_attr_water, def_attr_wind=@def_attr_wind, def_attr_earth=@def_attr_earth, def_attr_holy=@def_attr_holy, def_attr_unholy=@def_attr_unholy WHERE item_id=@item_id

    And you miss many others, ill post them later if i have time

  7. You miss the last dVamp SQL updates... this is the procedure update for createitem that you miss..

    ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_CreateItem]
    @char_id	INT,
    @item_type 	INT,
    @amount 	INT,
    @enchant 	INT,
    @eroded 	INT,
    @bless 		INT,
    @ident 		TINYINT,
    @wished 	TINYINT,
    @warehouse	INT,
    @attack_attr_type	TINYINT,
    @attack_attr_value	INT,
    @def_attr_fire	INT,
    @def_attr_water	INT,
    @def_attr_wind	INT,
    @def_attr_earth	INT,
    @def_attr_holy	INT,
    @def_attr_unholy	INT
    insert into user_item 
    (char_id , item_type , amount , enchant , eroded , bless , ident , wished , warehouse,attack_attr_type, attack_attr_value, def_attr_fire, def_attr_water, def_attr_wind, def_attr_earth, def_attr_holy, def_attr_unholy) 
    (@char_id, @item_type , @amount , @enchant , @eroded , @bless , @ident , @wished , @warehouse,@attack_attr_type, @attack_attr_value, @def_attr_fire, @def_attr_water, @def_attr_wind, @def_attr_earth, @def_attr_holy, @def_attr_unholy)


    Anyway, next time, use the search, some days ago someone asked the same thing

  8. Ty men! realy ty... and sory for the truble...

    One more cuestion..

    where I have to put the ip to register?


    Ty very very so much!!!!

    Make all the ip's as, under the inis,in the database, make your "inner ip as" and "ip" as your external ip, that's all.

    After that if you are not going to try to connect from an external addres this will be my last answer, cause you are asking / doing the same things since 2 pages.

  9. Ok.. Ty for answer...... I will try...

    One more cuestion.,..

    If i put in this place my ip wan:





    address="IP WAN"



    show me in the auth window, this message..




    But, if i put mi local ip ( Dont show me the error...


    Ty Very Much----

    Bye Bye...


    Im getting an headache from your problem, the reply its still the same,you get this error,cause tryes to connect with the Auth from an ip that its not registered in the server table!

    there is a why if you put its works....

  10. do you know why if i put the ip wan in authd ip in the l2server.ini configuration, it shows me in the auth windows this : no-registred world server ??



    For the SQL user, search online or get an SQL Server book.

    About the connection,you are still not doing a basic test, tryng to connect from the outside!

    Now, if this (probably) its a loopback issue,this mean that when you try to login with the same ip as the wan server ip ( mean,your external ip,the one wrote on the database),the login will try to catch up the client as a server,cause the ip is the same as the one signed in the database.

  11. These are my settings .. the problem persists ..

    any help?

    Thank you very much,










    password = admin

    ip = *

    Suggestion, you shouldnt leave the admin password as default....

    same thing for the SQL server user,create a separate login, and block the sa user,

    that's one of the first security issue.... if you get it from a site,and use it as it is, everyone will know it :)



    after that, change your world id's [currently 0] in the ini's [to 1]

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