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Posts posted by St3eT

  1. I would have more commits if I DID IT FROM MY GITHUB ACCOUNT. Most of my work was commited by Sdw and St3eT because I don't care about commit number like so many people do here.... so nowdays good devs are just because they have extreme commit number ? So Ill commit one by one just to be better yeeey :D

    Not sure how Sdw but I dont commit anything from you. :D

  2. Aww, you are sweet. Since me and UnAfraid mostly rework stuff, ofc "we don't do anything, or what we do is bugged and you have to test it". Isn't rework like... keeping old features while adding new functionality and stabilizing performance? Yea, and one of your jobs is to test it, so don't whine about it, because a single person can't fully test a rework affecting big part of the pack.

    "Two members actually working" is totally irrelevant here. I consider everybody bringing something to the table, including you, but not limited to only what you do. For example, there is someone without a commit for months, probably not even that year, but 80% of your work is based on what he did before. So yea, you are a datapack guy, and yea, all you consider work is whatever is done in the datapack, and I excuse your inability to put the mental pressure needed to rework a years old systems in the core just to provide the functionality needed, or bang your head for days trying to make the mathmatics behind certain mechanics, and why would you do? - thats not considered as work anyway.

    I would agree, UnAfraid did not contribute lately (but he did a lot in past months so saying he did nothing is absolutely irrelevant) and all that is the cause of him having a permanent job taking his time. Sure, he could've just decided that the project will die because he got a permanent job and crap on us all the same way you did, because you have a "company" now, but he didn't do it.

    Also not to mention that you were willingly preventing some of us to work, because "would do shit code". And that "shit code" consists of few lines not made the way you want. Well guess what, you can either make those lines as you like, or live with it, since they provide the same functionality and you are just preventing some of us to work. Whats the big deal to change few lines? That just proves your inability to cooperate and why you suck at CSGO.


    Your excuse for your behaviour is totally irrelevant and misleading. Just as the thing "you got angry for" and did all of this.

    All what I have to say; invite you to L2jUnity was one of our failure. We agreed on it with more team mates, just there was no way back. 

    About CSGO (not sure when you mentioned it here, probably you canť find something else) - I'm noob in most of games and I dont really hide it. But I'm still better than you, and that's only thing what can keep my smile on.

  3. Same question, why do you stop the project after a single year ?

    Mostly because of team (at least part of team)

    There was only two members which actually doing something (Sdw and me), other just looking around and sometimes they did something (which in most of cases was bugged and I have to test it after them [hello UnAfraid, Nik])

    Since I created company I have no time for coding so it was more or less dead (and some people show their credibility, that was last thing)


    It really looks that some people are bothered by the fact that anyone can make XML data.
    I had my fan-times with generating geodata in the past, but buildzone seems broken on latest clients (on purpose?).
    I did not create a tempfix. I try to overcome a long existing problem by making something on my own, that anyone can use.
    My walls implementation uses less CPU and RAM than geodata checking. Why? Less data to calculate than actual geodata blocks.
    They are even better than the current door or zone data checking that already exists on all packs for years. Nno quadruple checks due to their flat nature, no gameobject implementions, just plain data checks.
    As a second system it doesn't affect the performance of the server, since you can disable one or the other.
    Are XML data more accurate than geodata? No.
    But they... do the job pretty well, are easier to generate, easier to improve, use less system resources and are 100% free.
    If you don't like them, don't use them and don't hit on my nerves.


    But as you (maybe) know, geodata is not for walls only, but for ground too. Generate XML which will contains all terrain object with all uneven grounds would be fckin HUGE.

    About geo generating from client, it is still possible as you can see above.

  5. At least he do things and share for free (good or not), the only clowns in here are u and ur l2jpitty

    You have no idea what he just did.


    Anyway we share stuffs for free too. Just for right peoples. And if you talking about public share, our team members did for official l2j more than everyone else. and Mobius is based on our team member's work.

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