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Posts posted by Lavanda

  1. dont advertise your russians server at english sites. there is no point.

    You are right, except there is.


    I've created account, confirmed it by email and it still says 'wrong account, confirm it first' and some shyts like dat.

    Use login and password that you've received by e-mail to log in to our website.

    Once done, create a gaming account there.


    Everywhere Russian language. The forum is 100% russian. I don't know why you post a server like this here. I even try to connect and it says wrong password.

    There is an international section: http://forum.averia.ws/forums/international-section.92/

    You can easily turn forums and game interfaces into english: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/forum-and-game-interfaces-in-english.48805/

    As for wrong password, try to enter the right one. 

  2. Please staff dont change the system all the time. It always take me half a day to figure out how to connect again.

    We are not doing it because it's our hobby - to change system folder :)

    Sorry for inconvenience, that shouldn't happen anymore. Most likely ^^

  3. Informations about server in english are heavily outdated, e.g. dances/songs are 1 hour, not 3 minutes as they write and you don't need to do subclass or transfer quests. 

    This was the only outdated info. Just checked and corrected.

  4. Cant find  55x when on server options. Btw those cute girly pics of gms on server forum and here are really not necessary. Everybody knows that those pictures are FAKE and actually there is a bunch of horny guys behind this server. But good point how to attract some naive players +1.

    Holmes, you need to run autoupdater first.

  5. Registration of game accounts doesn't work; it keeps telling me either 'Password must contain letters and numbers mixed case' (even though I obviously do have both in my acc) or 'system error'


    I start to believe it really was programmed by women kappa.png

    Works fine for me:



    You can send me a PM if you want me to register an account for you.



    Averia was programmed by men, but organized and developed by women.

  6. wow and the server will have the great international community like the x7 right? :D i can't wait to play in server with full russian community..!!!! :)

    Not anymore! We will ban every russian for being russian, so join.

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