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About wusfaitty

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  1. A strange thing in box of walker is happening. It sees: Somebody has some idea on what it is happening? ty
  2. It is better to give up because supremel2 has the best system of existing protection. Exactly that it obtains to be with dual box you quickly will be discovered and banished. Until bake-ice hoists it already was broken, but the system of supreme-l2.... this I want to see.....
  3. hi Tati... I was knowing that they had obtained to use walker IG in a server BR who uses bakeice. Is selecting the facts and it will be truth I will inform here. bye
  4. thx Tati /To Tatiana: eu tbm XD
  5. To maykofaria: / Friend or dribble egg of GM? Although first post makes reference to this server we do not have interest in using l2walker in servers who say to be C6-not full. He is calm that this is only one question of time and when to obtain to place to l2walker in servers with the bakeice I am certain that you also it will be happy for being able to use l2walker in this server who you made reference. Please not flood the forum with repl's useless for the intention the one that was created post. I am not and nor I know this pedro, I am only defending the interest of all in the forum. thx man /
  6. He is really tense..... Somebody knows some program to open engine.dll and for l2.exe?
  7. If somebody to want to see as lanch of the bakeice functions is link there: http://rapidshare.com/files/56425959/Demo_BAKE_ICE_loader.rar
  8. I have the bakeice to be configured. Later that you configure is enough to compile and to use. Thus that to arrive in house I go to house and step link who to want to give one looked at and to see if exists some black door. Now I do not know no software to open lineageII.exe of the bakeice.
  9. It must be same truth because already I read in some forum that the Russians were using l2walker with the system of the bakeice. I go to try to find something the respect... problem is to translate text Russian.... :( /to Tatiana: you is Br?/
  10. I understand.... thx for explanation :D
  11. what you flame to reconstruct system it? it will be that to change engine.dll and l2.exe of interlude with the one of the C4 pra functions to carry through login without laucher of the bakeice?
  12. thx man however I did not understand its expression "nazi shit":D Also it was not wanting to try but the GM of the server guaranteed that it is impossible to l2walker in the server. Therefore I want to understand the functioning of laucher of the bakeice.
  13. I am playing in a server who finished to pass to the Interlude and placed the bakeice to carry through login. After this I do not obtain more to logar for l2.exe. Somebody knows a way to login without using launcher of the bakeice? thx
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