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About ArchAngelFury

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  1. Open faster :D :D I can not wait!! Going to be best serv eva! finally a good server not built by greedy stalone and revenge! thank the lord
  2. Can't wait for live!!! almost here :))
  3. I am just making a post from a concerned member. The admins may do what they please. If you didn't say anything then I guess you are safe. Stalone on the other hand has been making some hasty threats.
  4. Hello, I am sure you get these a lot.. I would like to report two of your members (Stalone) and (Jakk) they are continuously making threats and saying they will DDoS a server and in fact I know they will because I have seen them do it before. As a responsible administrator I think you should take action against these threats and have these guys banned. As far as I know it DDoS'ing is illegal and should not be supported by Max Cheaters and should not be allowed to make such threats against another member. You may check the forum post for which they are making these threats against. --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/170070-l2jlineage-2-rise-of-evil/
  5. Server so far is great!! admins show great respect for their server.. unlike on l2tales and vadc and now will be eoa all they do is play active for 1-2 weeks collect donations and give out +12 elegia 300 attributes ( yes you revenge & stalone ) then they go afk until someone wants to donate again then they log ingame to collect more money and go off again... l2 roe server has shown great success from admin being on 16+ hours a day and fixing EVERYTHING. I dare anyone to find a bug.. and if you do well they fixed it ASAP. I will love to play this server I wish you the best of luck guys. P.S. I love automatic donation npc no hidden donations is awesome.. donations will be offline for awhile after start correct? @ stalone... I know you're a greek 15 year old kid but really you need to grow up ddosing people who are better than you? why don't you learn how to develop and make a better server? but even if you did that you'd still be the greedy little boy you are. I won't event get started on Revenge.. haha Good luck to you Roe.
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