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Ivan Pires

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Posts posted by Ivan Pires

  1. +                       LS_STACKABLE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("BOGStackable", "False"));
    +                       BOG_STACKABLE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("LSStackable", "False"));

    This is inverted.  :P

  2. aCis already have this buffer by "default" which was heavily modified since it was badly coded ;)



    So, in short. I do not recommend this one.

    Ok dear.

    But i do not like the NPC Buffer of aCis. Is very simple and bland.

    R1n4s buffer is the best NPC Buffer, in my opinion.

    aCis already have an NPC Buffer, but is good to have other options, right?

    Hug man, see you. ;)

  3. Maxcheaters Here is a free forum, is not a l2jbrasil shit that control its members.

    Exactly because this that you are still here. 
    Member who contributes nothing to help the forum and do not have any values​​, like you, will never be wellcome in any respected forum in the world. 
    You will always be what you have always been, a nobody, a nothing! Nothing more than that. 
    And you're only still here because MXC allows this type of behavior, lamentable.


    This is not personal problem..

    I just shared his files, because Balrog is a fucking scammer!

    Yes man, i know.

    But let's keep our education and show these people that of where we come, we have maturity and respect.

    Rotten fruit nobody must smash, rotten fruit falls alone. 
    Do not waste your time and your patience with trifles. 
    If you want to share files, share, but not need offend anyone. 
  4. Do not think it's right bring problems of outside the forum to inside the forum.

    Members of MXC not have an ounce of education. 

    Always fights and more fights. 

    Need a moderation team of more rigid.

    Here everyone says what want when want. 

    Nobody is of nobody.

    Is one worse than the other.


    Please, some moderator make a clean on this topic. 

    Thank you.


    The problem is that in other forums eg L2JBrasil Brazilian, who has status thinks he knows more than others,
    it is not so. if you know anything not visit the forum. 
    Brazilians are cool, but always with a topic that has been the target of criticism
    Brazilian responses are always dry and lack of education. 
    Forum is a place to exchange ideas, knowledge and mutual help your fellow Forum. 
    People are acting with ignorance, irony to his collaborator, and sees the forum
    as a competition conhecimeneto are pathetic people who care only about their ego. 
    Forum is not a war zone.


    I agree with you 100%. 
    But unfortunately Brazilians participating in this forum are those who are not welcome in Brazilian forums, there are good and bad people in all countries.
    "Forum is not a war zone.curtir.png.pagespeed.ce.TVlqJ9yzB9.png
  6. It depends which aCis sources ICP is using. From the moment you don't share current cycle, anterior to current latest free revision, I don't care, and you can even create a public fork based on it (you're even encouraged, like L2JPes tried in its time : we proposed to host a subforum for the project). But selling aCis is forbidden, in any shape or form (customized, reworked, plain sources, whatever). Simply read aCis ToA, it's reachable to anyone on Announcements section (Terms of Agreement section). It's even shown when you register an account on aCis forums.


    About L2J, they use GPL. aCis got its own Terms of Agreement, which you agreed if you use my files. It's as simple as that. If you don't agree to use my rules, then use another pack. If you break the agreements, you're considered as a leaker, and my main purpose is to destroy you (no evil intention here, but I hate people selling a collaborative work).


    Regarding L2J being an open source project and aCis being a private fork (which is kinda wrong here, aCis uses what I call a "contribution2use" system, which, I think, I invented for L2J world), you should check L2J timeline and search for "Tryskell" in credits. My main point being to refactor Interlude, I haven't much time to dedicate to latest L2J.

    Tryskell, i really respect you and your work.

    The work you did in ACIS is magnificent.



    I did not break any of their rules. 
    My project was created on the ACIS 300, I do not charge for their work, so much that I leave it clear to all my clients that my design is based on ACIS project. I do not force anyone to buy, what I sell is my work and my time worked. Who says it does equal or better without pay, take the free ACIS source 300 on the internet and does. What I sell is the time when I worked on it, both to add the mods and to correct numerous quests, NPCs. items, and so on.
    See you.

    WTF, I'm using x32 bit system Win7 Home Premium.


    WTF again: I get another error, I fixed the previous error. Here's the next one:



    Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Enviroment'\CurrentVersion' has value '1.8', but '1.7' ir requied.

    You need to install java 7 32bits.

    Uninstall your java 8 first.

  8. Marlok: For starters to pay for 1 programmer per month you should consider above 1000$, not everybody here is a student or hoping to get a lunch money etc. if you want quality work - you should pay to 1-2 programmers + the manager, so you see, if an admin is making 5000 euro+ in one month, he invested about 750 euro on a pack, and I dunno 300 euro advertisement and he's still on 90% profit from the second month and so on. In any business that I do besides la2 - I invest to get money, it's really sad that you guys don't like to invest but to gain money.

    About Bonux, you don't know the true story, Bonux worked only for us, and he didn't leak anything to anyone, I won't lift this subject again, just because it's written on zone-game 1000 times or more.


    Pointer*Rage:  yeh if you put it that way many ppl does have our old decompiled code, so what? I don't care, let it be.

    That happens when our clients hire strange programmers to save money, then those programmers want to get money, they sell it for 1k$, then other resell it for 500, then for 300, and when the product lost it cost, they just throw it like it's a junk into share. 

    But again, I don't mad on anyone, enjoy your old share or so.

    Man, has assured that only the best projects happen these "leaks", no one would lose time to do it with a bad project. This means that your project is excellent. If I were to open a server for sure i buy from you, leaked pack is headache, very bugs. Relax, for you this is just free divulgation.  ;)


    don't remove this line if u dont want "to village" button to dissapear




    -            writeD(0x01); // to nearest village

    and if you add this line and remove the line above , to village button will be gone.


    +            writeD(_canTeleport ? 0x01 : 0); // to nearest village


    I read the script and i understand now.
    If ReviveDelay = 0 disable the auto teleport and able "To Village". ^^
    But thanks very much Ton! ;)
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