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Everything posted by Cesoir

  1. Does this bot still work for you guys? (This is the guy who compiled it.)
  2. As the one who compiled this, I guarantee you that there is certainly no trojan, virus, worm, spyware, adware, or any form of malware anywhere in any of the folders/files.
  3. Hey everyone, this is Cesoir. I posted this on every single site but this one. Guess I should've posted it here. If anyone has any questions on how to use it, or how the fix works, feel free to ask me or sltbnjr. All of the credit really goes to sltbnjr guys, he's the one who understood what needed to be done to the config file, and he was the one who posted his system folder in a thread. I just compiled it all into a .rar, made some instructions, and put it on rapidshare.
  4. Not on the private servers I've played on.
  5. Are you playing on a private server?
  6. Anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?
  7. I've got this problem. It's probably easy to fix, but I really don't know how. If I begin combat near a mob in melee range, I'll start attacking it with my melee weapon, but I'm a caster. I tried fiddling with a bunch of different settings, and no matter what I do...if I'm in melee range, I won't cast spells, I'll just hit them with my sword. For example, if I stand right next to a mob, then press End, it'll start hitting that mob with my sword. If I stand just like one foot away from it and press End, I'll start casting spells and I'll kill it. If the mob comes close to me, I'll start hitting it with my sword (usually I kill it before it reaches me, but when I fight groups of mobs that happens often). How do I fix this?
  8. Hey, I have another problem. If I begin combat when the mob is in melee range, I'll start attacking it with my melee weapon, but I'm a caster. I tried fiddling with a bunch of different settings, and no matter what I do...if I'm in melee range, I won't cast spells, I'll just hit them with my sword. How do I fix this?
  9. But it doesn't. As I said, pressing Run won't make it launch. If it won't launch, obviously, it isn't connected with Lineage 2 properly. That right there shows that these versions of L2W simply will not work.
  10. Yep. I know how to use L2W, as it works fine on my other computer; I know to only use it in windowed mode.
  11. Yep, I tried that, it didn't work. Technically though, l2asrv 0.51 and 1.79 are designed to be used on interlude, not private servers. What bugs me so much is that I should be able to run 1.55 and such. My other computer runs it fine, and it verifies fine with l2asrv 0.41, and everything's just great, but on this computer... =( I tried L2VSE and l2asrv to try and verify with 1.78, but both of these are designed for retail and interlude, and as a result...it won't verify on either of the private servers I use.
  12. Ok, I tried using version 1.57, and it still didn't launch. I doubt 1.56 would make it launch if 1.57 didn't. Does anyone know a way to solve my problem? Remember, I actually see l2.exe in Processes for about 30 seconds after I click Run, but no windows come up.
  13. Er, I don't know if those files are safe or not. o.O
  14. Just as the title says, I need Ingame L2 Walker version 1.56, and l2asrv version_3_0 [10.5.7]. Anyone have any idea where I could get these? Thanks.
  15. Ah, I'm taking French in school, and I know a bit. As for the person with that in his sig, je trouve cette personne. =p
  16. Any idea where that might be? >< I really need to get that version. By the way, are you French? I just looked at your username. =p
  17. =/ Thanks anyway. I guess it's a good idea to find an empty-ish grind spot anyway. Also, sorry to bother you with all of my crazy problems, do you know where I could get walker version 1.56, and l2asrv version_3_0 [10.5.7]? Someone in my other thread (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=10895.0. If you think you have another piece of advice to help me with the problem stated in this thread, please give me it!) said I should use those, and it might solve my issue of the game not launching on my other computer.
  18. That's exactly what happened, lol. When I first got in the game, I pressed Insert instead of Home, then pressed Home, and it messed it all up. I feel so stupid. >< Anyway, I have another, minor thing. No matter what, my character always steals other player's mobs while botting. It targets anything in range, including mobs that are being attacked by other players. My setting of "steal other player's mobs" is off.
  19. Hmmm...this is very odd. On L2Gold, it verifies properly, and I can see my char's info in the information setting, and it has all the verified features...but it doesn't start combat when I press begin combat. What do I do?
  20. Where could I get these? I tried searching for them but couldn't find them. =/
  21. I tried that. When I press Home, nothing happens.
  22. Not to be rude, but I want to explain something to you and many others real quick. I noticed online translators are not getting the 3rd person singular pronoun right, so I'll explain. When you refer to any sort of item, object, or thing (anything that isn't a living creature, a human, a male or a female), you would call that thing "it". So, you would say "the pencil, it is yellow", and you would say "the girl, she is nice" or "the boy, he is tall". You said: It should be.... and it deletes the host file and if u open l2w and the patcher it closes l2w. Also, the 3rd person singular form of any verb is that verb, with an 's' at the end. So close becomes closes, delete becomes deletes, etc. Just remember, always use "it" unless it's a person. We don't have masculine and feminine objects in English.
  23. l2asrv wouldn't make a difference. The problem is that the game simply will not run when using these versions of L2W. Guys. I don't have a verify problem. I don't need advice involving my hosts file, or l2asrv. As I said, it doesn't work either way, whether I run l2asrv or I don't.
  24. Dude, you don't understand...the problem isn't verification...the game actually will not launch. Pressing Run will not make Lineage 2 start. I don't have a verification problem. Understand?
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