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Posts posted by maxboy

  1. Did you close l2 client? you have to let it open while your on choosing server screen... it edits from memory. if doesn't work, then i don't know.


    And warn you. better follow some guides cause if you do try to get it work eventually it wont and u waste time this is the case of mine. I play on un bot able server.. so i wasted my time 

  2. For IG I get as usual file size error!

    OGG one doesn't work. I get T/o and failed, etc. All these for l2dex wrath , i dunno if is offtopic

    On login with client for l2dex /netstat -n it gives me 2 Ip's with 2 different ports one is 7777 one 2106, tried all and still can't make it work.



    I guess is a point why is no l2dex guide or anything in a long time. CUZ CAN'T WORK

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