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About amatsu

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  1. i honestly couldn't get what you are trying to say, maybe i am confused..... Yes, i am just one of those leecher on this forum. I haven't played L2 for a long time and just interested in seeing how much the game has growed. About amount of posting, if someone like the community, they will post, and will get a lot that is totally normal. Some people just love to chit chat, that is why lately blog are so popular. However, if you look through the forum, there are thousands of posts like "lol" "thanks for..." ...... just to increase their post counts (i got some of those posts too, i just want to see what the bug people talk on postpacific all about :P ). This is result of post requirement. Personally i don't like to post those meaningless post either. As for sharing, personally i think it is stupid to post hack and and looking for hack here..... you probably thinking i am stupid and selfish to say this....but there are a lot of server owners and gm are looking through the forum. As soon as you know as you post it here, those people will know and fix it. Quite a few time, the server owner decide to wipe the server too in order to remove all hack items. In the end, not only, you don't gain anything from the bug, but it made you and other player lose everything and have to start over. Anyway, it is quite safe to say most of those so call exploit and hack here are fixed, unless you can find a new server with really noobie gms. Also, frankly speaking, most of those who share hacks here are the same, they only share it when they pretty much bored of the game, or thinking about quitting so they just want everyone to enjoy the hack for couple of days before it is patched. The only think probably working here is bot. There are couple of other small exploit like keeping buff when dying, clear karma, revive...are probably still working, but gm don't bother to to fix it because it doesn't do much harm to the server.
  2. I hope you aren't serious thinking this way. Most of the admin probably not getting any money but the owner definitely making some profit out of this forum from profit and google ads. If you haven't notice there are google ads on almost every page of the post. So general speaking, the more spammers....the more money the owner will get. Because the spammers themselves will read the topic at least couple of time, not to mention all other members and the forum mod. So The mod helping owner making money too, when they have to work their ass to search for spammers.... the system of this forum here clearly to either encourage people to spam, or forced lazy people to "donate" which is a actually buying subsciption. I am not saying making profit is wrong. The owner deserv to make money since he was able to turn this forum into a nice forum. But don't be too bluntly about making money. I mean 10 to 30 posts are reasonable enough. I saw some crappy old hack which isn't working anymore got like 100 to 250 post requirement. For new members, it is like please donate or please start spamming.
  3. GM of most server already aware of it. They can find out through the log easily and ban account so becareful. In fact, some are making auto ban one so don't be stupid and try it with your main char.
  4. If you enchant your skill at lvl 78, you will have much higher chance of success than at lvl 76 or 77. Other than that, there is no cheat or exploit to increase success rate. Those who claim to get it either lying, scam, or just got too much luck. This apply to enchant weapon/armor too, the reason is simple, it is up to the server side to decide whether the enchant is success or fail, it has nothing to do with client. In the old day, c1 to c3, lag did play a in increase success rate, but stupid NCsoft already fix it.
  5. it can't be use for all server, most server has their own engine.dll mainly to prevent oog walker. token info is inside that file. If the token doesn't match to the server you are playing, it won't let you connect to the server.
  6. lol you don't need to make script for that, just play around with options and edit it. Walk around make a path too if you want it to work nicely
  7. the best way is to use 2 l2walker, make the second one pm the char making CP. and set the CP making char to relog whenever you get a pm from the second char.
  8. http://youtube.com/watch?v=POpICdgZRm4 arg, not working for some reason, check out links http://youtube.com/watch?v=POpICdgZRm4 ....
  9. ???
  10. topic said it all....
  11. nice one
  12. well, technically wow is more popular, there are more players and the company that own it is more well known. But i still like L2 more than wow :P
  13. woah, so many links
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