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About EternalBattle™

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  1. Founded,topic can be locked.
  2. I want to buy a vote npc for l2jfrozen,contact with me on pm or skype skype: l2eternalbattle
  3. Are you kidding me right now?or?im not like the other guys who did bad things into the server,im trying to find ways to let u farm and enjoy the game,give me your suggestions,items to farm,etc.
  4. We're not rdy to put stuckable augments,we're still a new server. P.S Soultaker Hero:Methelena,Human,Female.
  5. Server is up,our host had a problem,from now on everything seems fine.
  6. 550 Currently online players.
  7. 30 Minutes till we go live! join us!
  8. Protections has been added in our website also.
  9. Count Down system has uploaded in our website.
  10. skype has been created Skype:l2eternalbattle
  11. Hi,yes we're with a high rate server,join on forum for more informations.
  12. Forum is up! feel free to get in and discuss about anything u want.
  13. We've done good job on balance.
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