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Posts posted by antreassk13

  1. L2Elemental


    Grand Opening 10.4.15   18:00 GMT+2

    Xp 75x.
    Sp 75x.
    Adena 250x.
    Drop 35x.
    PartyXp 2x.
    PartySp 2x.

    Enchant Rates:

    Safe Enchant +3.
    Blessed And Simple Scrolls Max Enchant (+18).
    Normal Enchant Scrolls Chance - 60%.
    Blessed Enchant Scrolls Chance - 75%.

    Unique Features:

    Castle Siege.
    Wedding System.
    Max Count Of Buffs - 24.
    Max Subclasses - 3.
    First Class Change 100k.
    Second Class Change 1kk.
    Third Class Change 150kk.
    Subclass Quest free.
    Noblesse Status With Noblesse Coin From Donate Shop Or Retail.
    A Grade - S Grade Craft.
    D-C-B Grade In shop.
    Interlude Retail Skills.
    Server Up-time [24/7] [100]%.
    Perfect Class Balance.
    Server Information.

    Voiced commands:

    .online - Current Online Players Count.
    .repair - Repairs Stuck Character In World.

    Olympiad Game:

    Retail Olympiad Game.
    Competition Period [2] Week.
    Olympiad Start Time [18:00] End [00:00].

    Dedicated Server :
    Cpu: Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.66 GHz+ (4 c/8 t)
    Ram: 16GB
    HDD: 2TB
    Connection: 250mb/s
    Protection ddos

  2. Geia sas kai pali ;)


    sorry kserw exw kanei polla post alla xriazome tis embiries sas !



    thelw na valo kati sto pack m na min piani to phx kai an ine dinaton to tower ! fisika kserw oti me bypass tha piani to tower alla auto dn me endiaferi me endiaferi ena proxiro protection gia to tower kai ena kalo protection gia to phx exw akousi kati gia lameguard!


    tha ithela kapies plirofories gia na setaro kapio euxaristo!

  3. nai to grafei auto alla ti na allakso akrivos !


    <skill id="304" levels="1" name="Song of Vitality" enchantLevels1="30" enchantLevels2="30">
    <table name="#enchantMagicLvl">76 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84
                85 85 85
    <enchant1 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/>
    <enchant2 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/>
    <table name="#ench1time">125 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 169 175 180 186 191 197 202 208 213 219 224 230 235 241
                246 252 257 263 268 274 279 285
    <table name="#ench2MpConsume">58 57 56 55 53 52 51 50 48 47 46 45 43 42 41 40 39 37 36 35 34 32 31 30 29 27 26
                25 24 22
    <set name="mpConsume" val="60"/>
    <set name="nextDanceCost" val="30"/>
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_PARTY"/>
    <set name="skillRadius" val="1000"/>
    <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000"/>
    <set name="hitTime" val="2500"/>
    <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
    <set name="isDance" val="true"/>
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
    <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
    <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
    <set name="aggroPoints" val="611"/>
    <enchant1 name="aggroPoints" val="655"/>
    <enchant2 name="aggroPoints" val="655"/>
    <enchant2 name="mpConsume" val="#ench2MpConsume"/>
    <effect name="Buff" count="1" val="0" time="3600">
    <mul order="0x30" stat="maxHp" val="1.3"/>
    <effect name="Buff" time="#ench1time" count="1" val="0">
    <mul order="0x30" stat="maxHp" val="1.3"/>
  4. tha ithela na me voithisete sto na ftiakso to respawn sta grand boss valakas/baium ....    


    thelw an exei xrono kapios na mbi me team viewr na tou po to respawn pou thelw na exei kathe mob kai na mou diksi pos na to kanw !


    xrisimopoio l2jfrozen last version, episis otan kanw spawn ena grand boss meta apo to Restart tou server xanete! euxaristo 


    inbox edw parakalw !

  5. Lineage 2 Network Elemental


    OPEN BETA AT 25/3/15    18:00 GMT +2




    Xp 75x

    Sp 75x

    Adena 75x

    Drop 75x

    PartyXp 2x

    PartySp 2x





    Castle Siege Retail 

    Wedding System

    Max count of buffs 24

    first class 100k

    second class 1kk

    third class 100kk

    noblesse quest retail

    top pvp/pk ingame


    For More info join to forum and search on website :)


    Homepage : http://l2elemental.eu

    forum : http://l2elemental.forum-pro.org

    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lineage-2-Elemental/825443854200259?fref=nf

  6. package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.net.URLConnection;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2World;
    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.Announcements;
    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager;
    public class AutoVoteRewardHandler
    	protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(AutoVoteRewardHandler.class.getName());
    	private int hopzoneVotesCount = 0;
    	private int topzoneVotesCount = 0;
    	protected List<String> already_rewarded;
    	protected static boolean topzone = false;
    	protected static boolean hopzone = false;
    	private AutoVoteRewardHandler()
    		_log.info("Vote Reward System Initiated.");
    			int hopzone_votes = getHopZoneVotes();
    			if(hopzone_votes == -1){
    				hopzone_votes = 0;
    			int topzone_votes = getTopZoneVotes();
    			if(topzone_votes == -1){
    				topzone_votes = 0;
    		ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new AutoReward(), Config.VOTES_SYSYEM_INITIAL_DELAY, Config.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY);
    	protected class AutoReward implements Runnable
    		public void run()
    			int minutes = (Config.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY/1000)/60;
    				int hopzone_votes = getHopZoneVotes();
    				if(hopzone_votes != -1){
    					_log.info("AutoRewardSystem: Server HOPZONE Votes: " + hopzone_votes);
    					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: Actual HOPZONE Votes are " + hopzone_votes + "...");
    					if (hopzone_votes != 0 && hopzone_votes >= getHopZoneVoteCount() + Config.VOTES_FOR_REWARD)
    						already_rewarded = new ArrayList<String>();
    						Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers();
    						Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: Great Work! Check your inventory for Reward!!");
    						//L2ItemInstance item;
    						for (L2PcInstance player : pls)
    							if (player != null && !player.isOffline() && player.isOnline()==1)
    								if(player._active_boxes<=1 || (player._active_boxes>1 && checkSingleBox(player))){
    									Set<Integer> items = Config.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet();
    									for (Integer i : items)
    										//item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
    										//TODO: check on maxstack for item
    										player.addItem("reward", i, Config.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true);
    					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: Next HOPZONE Reward in "+minutes+" minutes at " + (getHopZoneVoteCount() + Config.VOTES_FOR_REWARD) + " Votes!!");
    					//site web
    					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("OurSiteLink: "+Config.SERVER_WEB_SITE);
    			if(topzone && hopzone && Config.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY>0)
    				catch(InterruptedException e)
    				int topzone_votes = getTopZoneVotes();
    				if(topzone_votes != -1){
    					_log.info("AutoRewardSystem: Server TOPZONE Votes: " + topzone_votes);
    					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: Actual TOPZONE Votes are " + topzone_votes + "...");
    					if (topzone_votes != 0 && topzone_votes >= getTopZoneVoteCount() + Config.VOTES_FOR_REWARD)
    						already_rewarded = new ArrayList<String>();
    						Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers();
    						Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: Great Work! Check your inventory for Reward!!");
    						//L2ItemInstance item;
    						for (L2PcInstance player : pls)
    							if (player != null && !player.isOffline() && player.isOnline()==1)
    								if(player._active_boxes<=1 || (player._active_boxes>1 && checkSingleBox(player))){
    									Set<Integer> items = Config.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet();
    									for (Integer i : items)
    										//item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
    										//TODO: check on maxstack for item
    										player.addItem("reward", i, Config.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true);
    					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: Next TOPZONE Reward in "+minutes+" minutes at " + (getTopZoneVoteCount() + Config.VOTES_FOR_REWARD) + " Votes!!");
    					//site web
    					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("OurSiteLink: "+Config.SERVER_WEB_SITE);
    	protected boolean checkSingleBox(L2PcInstance player){
    		if(player.getClient()!=null && player.getClient().getConnection()!=null && !player.getClient().getConnection().isClosed() && !player.isOffline()){
    			String playerip = player.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
    				return false;
    			return true;
    		//if no connection (maybe offline shop) don't reward
    		return false;
    	//HopZone Access Site Settings
    	protected int getHopZoneVotes()
    		int votes = -1;
    		URL url = null;
    		URLConnection con = null;
    		InputStream is = null;
    		InputStreamReader isr = null;
    		BufferedReader in = null;
    			url = new URL(Config.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL);
    			con = url.openConnection();    
    			con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76");
    			is = con.getInputStream();
    			isr = new InputStreamReader(is);		    
    			in = new BufferedReader(isr);
    			String inputLine;
    			while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
    				if (inputLine.contains("no steal make love")||inputLine.contains("no votes here")||inputLine.contains("bang, you don't have votes")||inputLine.contains("la vita e bella"))
    					votes = Integer.valueOf(inputLine.split(">")[2].replace("</span", ""));
    		catch (Exception e)
    			_log.info("AutoRewardSystem: Server HOPZONE is offline or something is wrong in link");
    			Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: HOPZONE is offline. We will check reward as it will be online again");
    				catch(IOException e1)
    				catch(IOException e1)
    				catch(IOException e1)
    		return votes;
    	//TopZone Access Site Settings
    	protected int getTopZoneVotes()
    		int votes = -1;
    		URL url = null;
    		URLConnection con = null;
    		InputStream is = null;
    		InputStreamReader isr = null;
    		BufferedReader in = null;
    			url = new URL(Config.VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL);
    			con = url.openConnection();    
    			con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76");
    			is = con.getInputStream();
    			isr = new InputStreamReader(is);		    
    			in = new BufferedReader(isr);
    			String inputLine;
    			while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
    				if (inputLine.contains("Votes:"))
    					String votesLine = inputLine;
    					votes = Integer.valueOf(votesLine.split(">")[3].replace("</div", ""));
    		catch (Exception e)
    			_log.info("AutoRewardSystem: Server TOPZONE is offline or something is wrong in link");
    			Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("AutoRewardSystem: TOPZONE is offline. We will check reward as it will be online again");
    				catch(IOException e1)
    				catch(IOException e1)
    				catch(IOException e1)
    		return votes;
    	protected void setHopZoneVoteCount(int voteCount)
    		hopzoneVotesCount = voteCount;
    	protected int getHopZoneVoteCount()
    		return hopzoneVotesCount;
    	protected void setTopZoneVoteCount(int voteCount)
    		topzoneVotesCount = voteCount;
    	protected int getTopZoneVoteCount()
    		return topzoneVotesCount;
    	public static AutoVoteRewardHandler getInstance()
    		if(Config.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL != null && !Config.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL.equals("")){
    			hopzone = true;
    		if(Config.VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL != null && !Config.VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL.equals("")){
    			topzone = true;
    		if(topzone || hopzone)
    			return SingletonHolder._instance;
    		return null;
    	private static class SingletonHolder
    		protected static final AutoVoteRewardHandler    _instance       = new AutoVoteRewardHandler();

    Οριστε εισαι ετοιμος xD


    mou vgazei error otan to kanw compile auto aderfe

  7. Geia sas pedia ekana prosfata compile l2jfrozen kai apoti exw paratirisi se polous server opos k ston dikom den douleui to vote reward .... exw di kati post edw sto forum p allazeis 2 lines tis exw allaksi alla dn egine kati to thema einai omos oute announc mesa sto game dn mou kanei opos se merikous leei oti to topzone i to hopzone einai offiline pros to paron ... einai san na min to vriski kan to java code ... kai epidi den kserw na peraso java code as me voithisi kapios
    euxaristo !






    Check ton java code an mborite kai diorthosteton an ginete sas parakalo !




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